Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning.  Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.   Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets.  In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

12 episodes

Listed in: Health

Power, Strength & Vulnerability

Power, Strength & Vulnerability

A podcast to reduce the stigma around mental health. It will be filled with real life stories of people and how they have dealt with there battles along the way, and enjoyed success.

43 episodes

Listed in: Health

Green Living with Tee

Green Living with Tee

Therese "Tee" Forton-Barnes, is a Household Toxins Health Specialist. For over 40 years, she has been researching, studying, and talking about toxins in your life and home and how they can affect your health. She helps you reduce your exposure to chemicals that are in your personal care and cleaning products, food, and other items in your home that expose you to harmful chemicals. She guides you in having a low-tox lifestyle that can reduce the risk of potentially chemical-induced illnesses, cancer, and other autoimmune diseases and increase the odds of a long, healthy, vital life, all while creating a clean and green environment for you and your loved ones— including your pets! This podcast is the place for invaluable information and conversations with Doctors, Scientists, and others who are very knowledgeable in their fields of work on living a low-tox life.

59 episodes

Listed in: Health

Proven Health Alternatives

Proven Health Alternatives

Welcome to Proven Health Alternatives—a webcast focused on revealing the science-based alternatives to today’s healthcare practices. I’m your host, Dr. Rob Silverman, a chiropractic doctor, clinical nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, international speaker and author of “Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body.” Join me as I engage in conversations with leading professionals in the fields of health, fitness, supplements, nutrition, functional medicine, and more. Together, we explore the cutting-edge approaches to proven health alternatives.

67 episodes

Listed in: Health

Glow in Flow

Glow in Flow

Hola chingonas! Welcome to Glow in Flow Podcast :) フローの中で輝く。誰かが決めたルールや、観念ではなく、自分自身の身体、マインド、魂のアライメントに沿った流れを作り出していく。フローを見つけることが輝く鍵。 それは、うちに眠るパワーや生まれ持った性質を思い出していく旅 それは、制限されず直感をガインダンスに創造していく旅 今、ここ。身体に還り、感じ、身を委ね、クリエートしていく。 それは、愛。 それは、ウェルネス。 それは、豊かさ。 それは、自由への解放。 自分の人生を生きるあなたは、Chingona(イケてるギャル) In flow, we glow AF Amor, Aris

6 episodes

Listed in: Health

David Ortega B. Podcast

David Ortega B. Podcast

Welcome to the home of learning, reflection, and going deep in the science of wellness, the pillars of health, giving you specific drops of wisdom and enlightening conversations to help you become your highest version of yourself and enjoy your stay in this lifetime!

20 episodes

Listed in: Health



A "Minden-Mentes" a székesfehérvári Vörösmarty Rádió egészségtudatos magazinja, ami minden kedden 18 órától hallható a 99, 2-n, online a vagy a oldalakon. A műsor állandó szakértője Antal Vali természetgyógyász, táplálkozási tanácsadó. A műsorvezető: Galántai Zsuzsa

11 episodes

Listed in: Health

Let's Talk Yoga - by Nora Kersten

Let's Talk Yoga - by Nora Kersten

Nora Kersten ist Yogalehrerin, Mama von zwei wundervollen Töchtern und Ehefrau. Als Noras Herz sie im Jahr 2013 erstmals nach Indien führte, ließ sie sich in diversen Yogaschulen in den Schwerpunkten Vinyasa, Ashtanga und Hatha ausbilden. Heute ist ihr Unterricht geprägt von einem sehr achtsamen Vinyasa Flow, der Yoga-Therapie und den Chakrenlehre. Namenhafte westliche Lehrer/innen wie Remo Rittiner, Bryan Kest, Donna Farhi, Birthlight, Judith Lasater, Jason Crandell, Beckenboden Schweiz, und Ralph Skuban haben Nora auf ihrem Weg begleitet und prägten ihr Schaffen massgeblich. Ihre Liebe zum Yoga trägt sie seit jeher mit grosser Hingabe in die Welt hinaus. Das Herz von Noras Arbeit sind wohl ihre Teacher Trainings, in welchen Sie ihr Wissen mit viel Herz und Präzision weitergibt. Hierzu gehören das 200h Teacher Training, sowie die Ausbildung zur Chakra Yogalehrer/in und die Prä- und Postnatal Ausbildung, welche durch den grossen Schatz an Wissen rund um die Schwangerschaft und den Beckenboden geprägt ist. Noras Yogastunden vereinen nicht nur das Wissen ihrer unzähligen Aus- und Weiterbildungen. Durch ihre Expertise aus der Yogatherapie, leitet sie die Asanas präzise an und geht auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse ihrer Schüler:innen ein. Bei all dem Wissen und der Präzision sind Noras Stunden von ihrer Herz warmen und liebenswerten Art gefüllt, so fühlt es sich immer nach einem Kurzurlaub für Körper und Seele an. Genau dieses Gefühl möchte Nora dir auch bei ihrem Podcast mit in den Alltag geben, wenn sie über spannende Themen aus dem Bereich Yoga spricht.

15 episodes

Listed in: Health

Dishing Up Nutrition

Dishing Up Nutrition

Learn the connection between what you eat and how you feel. Join us each week as licensed nutritionists and dietitians from Nutritional Weight & Wellness share practical, real-life solutions for healthier living through balanced nutrition. For over 25 years, we’ve helped thousands of clients and listeners discover how real food – animal protein, healthy fat, nutrient-dense carbohydrates – can increase energy, stabilize moods, jumpstart metabolism, eliminate cravings, restore digestion, balance hormones and so much more! For recipes, articles and more, visit us at

538 episodes

Listed in: Health

Lupus Speaks Podcast

Lupus Speaks Podcast

Lupus Speaks Podcast: Hosted by Shedrica Holmes, sharing her journey with lupus and spotlighting Lupie bosses, influencers, and advocates. Join us on a transformative journey where resilience meets inspiration. Amplifying voices, challenging stereotypes, and fostering connections within the lupus community. Redefine possibilities with stories of triumph. Every voice, every journey deserves to be heard. Lupus Speaks—your platform for strength, creativity, and empowerment. For more info and show notes, visit

9 episodes

Listed in: Health



PTA brennen für einen Job, der sie Tag für Tag aufs Neue fordert. Im Podcast PTA FUNK treffen wir jeden Mittwoch Menschen, die den Apothekenalltag bestens kennen. Und verraten, wie sie die Herausforderungen täglich meistern. Hören Sie rein und abonnieren Sie PTA FUNK.

38 episodes

Listed in: Health

Greetings Earth Family

Greetings Earth Family

I’m here to help inspire you to look outside the box of what we are told reality is. For those who already live their life outside of the box I welcome you and perhaps this can be our tribe, With Love

17 episodes

Listed in: Health

El Expresso de las 10

El Expresso de las 10

Con Alonso Torres.

La palabra expresso nos conduce por diversas estaciones: familia, salud, orientación legal, derechos humanos, medio ambiente, sexualidad, turismo, gastronomía, vida cotidiana, entre otros. El nombre alude, también, a esa deliciosa costumbre de tomar una taza de café por la mañana, y pretende ser tan reanimante como este hecho, evocador, y dispuesto a la conversación… Es además, el lugar donde me expreso, es decir, espacio en el que el auditorio puede verter puntos de vista, compartir experiencias, realizar denuncias ciudadanas, y hablar de temas poco abordados en público. En suma, es un espacio para la expresión.

70 episodes

Listed in: Health

Loving BDSM

Loving BDSM

A podcast hosted by Kayla Lords and John Brownstone to share what a love of BDSM looks like in a loving relationship between a Dominant and a submissive. People new to the lifestyle or new to the idea that BDSM and love can mix will find something to learn or realize they're not alone in their experiences or feelings.

201 episodes

Listed in: Health

Suicide Zen Forgiveness

Suicide Zen Forgiveness

Now in Season 7 with much gratitude… My Mission: End Silence, Stigma, Shame about Suicide Loss, Ideation and Mental Health Sharing your story can be a way to lighten your burden. My guests all have a story. Come listen in, it may be similar to your own story. You may find a helping of hope for you or someone who matters to you. Lost a dear friend to suicide at 16, did not know what a lesson it would become. Now, in my late 60s, I continue to appreciate the Best/Worst Gift from Andrea that keeps me living! What I have learned Make yours a #gratitudeattitude even on bad days. Keep Working on your #gratitudeattitude. Aim to improve 1% every day #KeepBreathing and make the best of your today, every day! No matter what happens... #ChooseLife #ChooseHope

40 episodes

Listed in: Health

Love Your Anxiety Podcast

Love Your Anxiety Podcast

Get the spiritual support and perspectives to start healing your anxiety so it doesn’t wreck your life anymore! You will be inspired and motivated to build a deep and powerful relationship with yourself so you can self-soothe anywhere, anytime! Emilie Clarke is an Anxiety survivor, Spiritual Guide and Anxiety Coach, and the founder the Axe Your Anxiety Bootcamp. She is dedicated to helping amazing women who suffer everyday from their anxiety to live an aligned, freedom based and happy life… along side their anxiety. Each episode is packed with love, support, education and laughs!

100 episodes

Listed in: Health



Il podcast Ispirato dai Quaderni di MUSICA APPLICATA: collana di studi, ricerche, sperimentazioni, atti di convegni e seminari, per l’informazione. l’aggiornamento e la formazione in PEDAGOGIA della Musica e in MUSICATERAPIA. Con la gentile concessione di Mario Piatti, i testi sono reperibili presso pro Civitate Christiana Assisi. Musicoterapiaviva ha voluto ridare VITA a questi scritti degli anni 80-90 ancora attuali e preziosi per il loro apporto scientifico-divulgativo verso l’importanza delle applicazioni sonoro-musicali a favore del benessere dell’uomo.

1 episodes

Listed in: Health

Cardionerds: A Cardiology Podcast

Cardionerds: A Cardiology Podcast

Cardionerds is a medical cardiology podcast created to bring high yield cardiovascular concepts in a fun and engaging format for listeners of all levels.

We aim to democratize cardiovascular education, promote diversity & inclusion in our beloved field, empower every learner to teach & every teacher to learn and foster wellness & humanity for all.

Check us out!

108 episodes

Listed in: Health

Practice Made Perfect

Practice Made Perfect

This occasional series from the American College of Cardiology, developed by members for members, features conversational expert interviews on non-clinical competencies, skills, well-being, and best practices for the entire heart care team.

41 episodes

Listed in: Health

Lose Weight. Live Life. Podcast

Lose Weight. Live Life. Podcast

If you are a busy professional or entrepreneur who would do anything to lose weight, and yet finds it impossible to stick to a diet, to eat less, or just what you know you should, this podcast is for you. Listen in to learn how to stop overeating, lose weight for the last time and create a relationship with food that you love. All without diet deprivation and self-sabotage. Listen in to discover how to… - take time out for you – without taking anything away from your work or relationships - reduce your hunger for food - become the boss of your food brain so that it is easier to make healthier food choices that take you close to your weight goals - manage your mind so that you do not desire food so much or feel deprived - end emotional eating - put yourself first without taking anyway away from your work or relationships Your host is Clair MacKenzie, a certified life, health, and weight loss coach. Clair uses an array of coaching tools and techniques to help successful women, who are ‘done with dieting’, take control of their eating and create a relationship with food and themselves that they love. Clair lost 6 stone after struggling with her own weight for decades and decided to follow her passion to help women lose weight and transform their lives. Before she was a coach, Clair worked for a global blue-chip organisation in various marketing and consulting roles. Clair has been featured on the BBC, interviewed for various podcasts, and loves speaking about the power of mindset to help women transform their lives. You can find out more about Clair and her coaching programs at

70 episodes

Listed in: Health

Tyler Woods PhD Holistic Mental Health

Tyler Woods PhD Holistic Mental Health

Tyler Woods believes in a holistic approach to mental health care. That is because it does much more than just manage symptoms, it's an approach that emphasizes the interrelationship between mind, body, and spirit and can be any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional western medicine. Holistic mental health and healing is an ongoing journey of discovery and ultimately is about living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness and will offer great insight on this topic.

21 episodes

Listed in: Health

Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry

Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry

The Lunch and Learn with Dr. Berry Podcast is here to make health care simple. The goal is to help you learn how to take back control. Through weekly episodes Dr. Berry Pierre will be taking the most toughest medical issues and teaches it in a way that you will wonder why your own physician never explained it to you in such a fashion before. If you have ever went to your doctor’s appointment and left there more confused and frustrated then when you came in then this podcast is the one for you. Dr. Berry Pierre prides himself on being able to educate his patients and make them feel comfortable in their most trying times.

Dr. Berry Pierre is a Board Certified Internist who is the Program Director for an Internal Medicine Residency Program but is also a Best Selling Author and the Founder of, whose uses his unique skills of teaching and social media engagement allow him to educate the community worldwide. He has transformed himself from just a regular clinic physician who focused on one person at a time to being able to teach the masses.

202 episodes

Listed in: Health



Two Brooklyn therapists, Signe Simon and Simone Humphrey, interview psychologists, astrologers, researchers, and more to find out the hidden wisdoms around all things love and sex. Support this podcast:

36 episodes

Listed in: Health

Boss Bitch Radio w/IFBB Pro, Diane Flores

Boss Bitch Radio w/IFBB Pro, Diane Flores

IFBB Bodybuilding Figure Pro, Diane Flores, and owner of an all women’s personal training studio Venus Fitness Studio, shares all of her health and fitness strategies, motivation, confidence building tips and real life unfiltered stories and experiences to help you live your healthiest and hottest life ever. Discover the Boss Bitch within you that can create a body and life you love on your terms so that you can free yourself from excuses, self limiting beliefs whether you are a complete newbie to health and fitness to the seasoned competitor. Since 2007, she’s been working with women through multiple fitness modalities. From pole dancing, boot camps, yoga and bodybuilding she’s been openly sharing her wins, losses and all of the lessons in between with the community of badass but humble women who follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Self-proclaimed graduate of the “School of Hardknocks”, you’ll learn about the habits needed to create a bangin’ body, busting false fitness myths, relationship and mindset tools, competition in’s and outs, being a female over 40, business and entrepreneurship, failures and lessons so that you can have some great LOL’s and also leave feeling inspired to create massive action in your own life. It’s going to be a mixture of solo shows from Diane, interviews, special co-hosts and a ton of goodies you don’t want to miss. Be prepared for unfiltered and explicit conversations! Hit that subscribe button and let’s have some fun bitches.

58 episodes

Listed in: Health

Stærk & Smertefri

Stærk & Smertefri

Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.

67 episodes

Listed in: Health

Beans Ba~

Beans Ba~

4人のおばちゃんが秘めた思いをぶちまける井戸端ラジオバラエティ。 私も!というおばちゃんたちの声や、おばちゃんに笑い飛ばしてほしいことなど、どしどしコメントください!メールアドレスは、beansoba3@gmail.comです! 世知辛い世の中…負けることなくけなげに生きるおばちゃんたちと、たくさん笑って吹き飛ばしてしまいましょう! #那珂川 #博多南 #ネットラジオ #NRS #こととば那珂川 #BeansBa #おばちゃん #おばさん #井戸端会議 #雑談 #癒し #元気 #笑い声 #ビーンズバー #放談 #お茶の間 #懐かし #孫 #生きる #毎日 #日常 #憂さ晴らし

93 episodes

Listed in: Health

Portal Seu Astral

Portal Seu Astral

Seu horóscopo todos os dias aqui no Spotify!

368 episodes

Listed in: Health

Rise & Shine med Shirin

Rise & Shine med Shirin

Podden #riseandshinemedshirin är en podd som berör, högt och lågt, där journalisten och träningsprofilen Shirin Djavidi ringer upp kända och okända profiler och djupdyker i deras liv. Ett personporträtt, sprinklat med hälsa. Det bjuds på höga toppar och djupa dalar, skratt och ibland en tår. Lite som livet är. Shirin kommer gästerna inpå djupet, delar med sig av egna erfarenheter samt tar upp aktuella händelser i gästens liv.
Följ Shirin på Instagram @shapebyshirin 
Producent @shapebyShirin 
Post produktion @framelab_swe
Tack till @go_active_travel

34 episodes

Listed in: Health

Protecting Your NEST with Dr. Tony Hampton

Protecting Your NEST with Dr. Tony Hampton

Protecting Your NEST is hosted by Dr. Tony Hampton a board certified Family Medicine and Obesity Medicine physician with a focus on helping listeners reverse the root cause of disease. The NEST and ROPE acronyms provide the foundational elements that represent to root cause of chronic disease if not mastered: N: Nutrition (what and when you eat) E: Exercise S: Less stress/more sleep T: How you Think/less Trauma R: Relationships O: Organism (avoiding the bad/adding the good) P: Pollutants E: Emotions/Life Experiences

74 episodes

Listed in: Health

AWR en Español - Clinica Abierta

AWR en Español - Clinica Abierta

Clinica Abierta un programa que ofrece a sus oyentes la posibilidad de hacer preguntas al doctor en vivo y sin costo, desde 1999.

213 episodes

Listed in: Health



Träningspodden är Sveriges största podcast om träning & hälsa. Här får du massor av inspiration och information om träning, kost, hälsa, mm. Men också skratt, familj, resor och annat om att vara en aktiv kvinna mitt i livet när Jessica Almenäs och Lovisa "Lofsan" Sandström varje vecka samtalar om högt och lågt. För mer info och community, besök Träningspodden på Facebook, @traningspodden på Instagram eller maila

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

302 episodes

Listed in: Health

The Bloomie Brained Podcast

The Bloomie Brained Podcast

Keep your mind open to growth, and in turn your mental health will bloom.

4 episodes

Listed in: Health

Psicologia e Filosofia Com Eric Rocha

Psicologia e Filosofia Com Eric Rocha

Me Siga: Podcasts todos os dias as 18:00. Vou trazer o melhor da psicologia aplicada na prática, da filosofia também, e de vez enquanto vou falar de outros temas. Peço que me ajude a fazer esse programa alcançar mais pessoas para que eu possa mante-lo, não é fácil manter um programa que não é monetizado.

277 episodes

Listed in: Health

AUPN's Leading Edge

AUPN's Leading Edge

A podcast brought to you by the Association of University Professors of Neurology (AUPN). The AUPN serves as a forum for the Chairs of Departments or Divisions of Neurology in accredited medical schools in the United States and Canada to discuss academic interests and challenges. The AUPN supports department chairs through its educational offerings that are geared toward the leaders in Neurology Departments including program directors and clerkship directors.

2 episodes

Listed in: Health

Cuando duele el alma

Cuando duele el alma

Cuando duele el alma", el programa de radio donde psicólogos psicoanalíticos ponemos sobre la mesa el mundo emocional. Acompáñanos en conversaciones profundas sobre el bienestar y el malestar emocional, así como la salud y enfermedad mental. Support this podcast:

46 episodes

Listed in: Health

Dr. Brooke Show

Dr. Brooke Show

Dedicated to helping women live their bigger, better life. Expert advice on fitness, hormones, health and happiness.

128 episodes

Listed in: Health

Sluts and Scholars

Sluts and Scholars

Sluts & Scholars is one of Cosmopolitan's "Hot Podcasts to Listen To." Nicoletta Heidegger is a licensed marriage and family therapist and sexologist and she chats with folks from across sexuality, kink, and professional spectrums about desire, pleasure, shame, stigma and (of course) bodily functions. Combining irreverence and expertise, on the docket is anything remotely related to sexual, reproductive and bodily autonomy; from the indigenous menstrual practices of the Hupa Valley tribe, to beauty confidence advice from Dita von Teese, and anal sex pro tips from Jessica Drake. Sluts and Scholars is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact *Sluts and scholars is a sex positive, shame free, educational podcast where we try to help make your sex smarter and your smarts sexier. While we love to give advice and resources, please note that this podcast is not intended to be therapy or a replacement for therapy. Thanks for tuning in and we hope you enjoy!

201 episodes

Listed in: Health

Actualidades, mitos & realidades de las enfermedades

Actualidades, mitos & realidades de las enfermedades

Hablamos respecto a las actualiades, los mitos y realidades de diferentes enfermedades, diagnosticos y tratamientos. Hay que estar bien informado para evitar que todas las falsas noticias y los mitos que hay alrededor desinformen y se generen complicaciones en los pacientes. A su vez, las realidades sean reafirmadas y se tengan claras, generando prevención. El objetivo es hacer prevención en salud, evitar complicaciones, realizar diagnósticos tempranos y otorgar tratamientos oportunos

60 episodes

Listed in: Health

The Natasha Helfer Podcast

The Natasha Helfer Podcast

Sex, Religion, and Everything in Between

122 episodes

Listed in: Health



Welcome to the podcast MS CONNECT LIFE.In each Episode, I am your host Jamaine Johnson.I’ll be providing my fellow Multiple Sclerosis warriors and others out there with informative info dealing with this disease and helpful tips which helped my life along the way. New episodes wouLd be published weekly Support this podcast:

10 episodes

Listed in: Health