Jack Van Impe Presents

Jack Van Impe Presents

Jack Van Impe Presents is a weekly television program outlining world news and Bible Prophecy.

6 episodes

Listed in: religion

Commuter Bible

Commuter Bible

Commuter Bible is an audio Bible reading plan to match your weekly schedule. Published Monday-Friday, major (U.S.) holidays excluded. In the course of a year, you can listen to the entire Bible. Subscribe today and get more of God's Word in your daily life. Commuter Bible uses the Christian Standard Bible translation (CSB).

401 episodes

Listed in: religion

Commuter Bible OT

Commuter Bible OT

Commuter Bible OT is a work-week audio Bible reading plan to match your weekly schedule. In five days a week, Monday-Friday, you can listen to the entire Old Testament over the course of a year. We even break on holidays! Presented chronologically, this podcast presents the Old Testament's contents in the order in which they occurred. Subscribe today and get more of God's Word in your daily life. Part of the Commuter Bible family of podcasts, using the Christian Standard Bible translation (CSB). Learn more at www.commuterbible.org

57 episodes

Listed in: religion

Live Hope Minute

Live Hope Minute

Explore the concept of hope with this inspirational commentary. Delivered from a grace-filled, Christian perspective, the Live Hope Minute is easily accessible to people at varied places on their spiritual journey. Hi, I'm Marcus Royce and I'm a Mpls-based singer/songwriter who loves offering hope whatever I do or wherever I go. If you'd like to share your story of hope with me, please visit www.livehopenow.com and tell me what's on your mind!

278 episodes

Listed in: religion

Boundless Way Zen Temple Dharmacast

Boundless Way Zen Temple Dharmacast

Dharma Talks from Boundless Way Temple in Worcester MA

163 episodes

Listed in: religion

Refazenda Cristã

Refazenda Cristã

Ensinos entregues ao povo de Deus no Brasil.

39 episodes

Listed in: religion

Lila Kimhi  לילה קמחי

Lila Kimhi לילה קמחי

לילה קמחי היא מורה להגות הבודהיסטית, מדיטצית ויפסאנה, אי שניות ומיינדפולנס מאז 2004. כאן תמצאו שיחות דהרמה והנחיות למדיטציה שניתנו על ידי לילה בריטריטים בארץ ובעולם, וראיונות עומק והשראה עם מורים וחברים לדרך. לילה מציעה את הלימוד והתרגול בפודקסט הזה באהבה במסורת הדאנה. מוזמנות ומוזמנים לתמוך בהמשך הפודקסט ובאפשרות של לילה להמשיך ולהציע את הלימוד באופן חופשי. הנתינה שלכם.ן מתקבלת באהבה ובתודה הנה הלינק לתמיכה https://meshulam.co.il/quick_payment?b=1084de59fb29916c238eee7622423332 להצטרפות לקבוצת הווצאפ השקטה עם לילה לקבלת עדכונים שבועיים על מגוון פעילויות לימוד ותרגול איתה בארץ ובעולם https://chat.whatsapp.com/F4VuMyLDvZfBNZTyP1ovzf Lila is a Dharma and meditation teacher since 2004 in Israel and abroad, in the Buddhist tradition of Vipassana and mindfulness. Here you will find a wealth of talks and meditation instructions given on retreats and Interviews with teachers and friends on that path. Your support is very much appreciated and is allowing Lila to continue and share her wisdom and love with all. it is possible to offer Dana (donation) to Lila via Paypall to her email lila.kimhi[at]gmail.com Thank you for your giving

131 episodes

Listed in: religion

Divine Office Liturgy of the Hours  The Maine Catholic Guide

Divine Office Liturgy of the Hours The Maine Catholic Guide

We are not professionals, just people who love the Lord and these prayers. Occasionally we will post other prayers like Chaplet of Divine Mercy and 7 Prayers to say in 3 minutes or less.

2039 episodes

Listed in: religion

Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation

Congregation of the Living Word, a Messianic Jewish Congregation

Congregation of the Living Word (Kehilat Devar HaChaim) is a Messianic Jewish fellowship dedicated to honoring God and His Messiah Yeshua by studying the Word, living His Torah and following His Spirit. If you love Israel and want to study the teachings of Messiah from a Hebrew context...if you can't attend a Messianic Synagogue on Shabbat, Passover or another major feast...if you want to dig deeper into Purim, Chanukah,Tisha B'av or one of our other traditional festivals, look for our free sermons in the Podcast app or in iTunes store. Most sermons are available in English and Spanish.

272 episodes

Listed in: religion

Morning Manna

Morning Manna

Morning Manna is a Monday - Friday devotional podcast, designed to help you get a fresh, spiritual focus for your work day.

1154 episodes

Listed in: religion

Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l

Time for Torah: By Rabbi Elimelech Kohn Zt"l

Rabbi Elimelech Kohn zt”l was born in Hungary and emigrated to the United States at the age of 3 with his mother and brother. He grew up in Detroit and attended Telshe Yeshiva for 15 Years. After R’ Elimelech married he lived in Lakewood and learned in Beth Medrash Govoha before moving to Riverdale to join Telshe Yeshiva there. Once in Riverdale, R’ Elimelech became a beloved Rebbe to hundreds of Talmidim over the course of two and a half decades. His Shiurim are based upon the weekly Parsha or upcoming Yom Tov and infused with lessons and ideas from science, history, philosophy and Mussar.

165 episodes

Listed in: religion

Spirit Radio Podcasts

Spirit Radio Podcasts

Upbeat and uplifting, entertaining and inspirational, Spirit Radio plays the best contemporary Christian music – plus a selection of positive mainstream hits.
Spirit Radio aims to reach across all religious and denominational boundaries in Ireland creating a positive and uplifting attitude across community divides through careful selection of our religious and secular music and talk programming.
Spirit is also broadcasting on 549 Medium Wave and reaching listeners in many parts of rural Ireland.

143 episodes

Listed in: religion

Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

It's easy to be so busy that your soul gets neglected. As Doctors of Psychology we help you thrive with Jesus in life, love, and leadership. Soul Talks is sponsored by Soul Shepherding, a nonprofit ministry to pastors, leaders, and all kinds of people who serve the Lord.

300 episodes

Listed in: religion

Pray Station Portable

Pray Station Portable

With this podcast, you can turn any portable mediaplayer into a 'Praystation Portable '. When you subscribe to the feed, you'll be able to download a daily morning and evening prayer that you can take with you on the road. The prayers are taken from the Catholic Liturgy of the Hours.

760 episodes

Listed in: religion

Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

Short Machshava On The Daf by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman

A short Machshava on the Daf Yomi. Each Daf in Shas has Machshava depth to it, in some it's easy to find - the Agadata of the Shas, but in some it takes some research. Short Machshava shiur aims to discover, discuss in short, and attempt to give somewhat of an understanding of parts of the Machshava of each Daf. Given by Rabbi Yechezkel Hartman, a Talmid of Rabbi Moshe Shapiro zt"l. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/yechezkel-hartman/support

424 episodes

Listed in: religion



Gedanken zu Gott und der Welt, Erlebnisse aus dem Alltag einer Ordensfrau - die Olper Franziskanerin Schwester Katharina startet mit Gebeten und Texten um 6 Uhr in den Morgen.

498 episodes

Listed in: religion

Common Prayer Daily

Common Prayer Daily

Common Prayer is a daily habit. It is an ancient liturgical tradition, called the Daily Office, that grounds the individual and prepares their heart by focusing on Christ. Saint Augustine of Hippo famously said “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” This podcast is intended to help busy individuals find rest in God. A place where for a few moments, usually 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening, you can meditate on God’s Word through guided prayer and scripture reading. Our hope is that Common Prayer Daily will be your guide to the Daily Office, the Church Year, and provide a space for rest in Christ.

580 episodes

Listed in: religion

Pray More Novenas Video - Catholic Prayers and Devotion

Pray More Novenas Video - Catholic Prayers and Devotion

Pray Novenas through video with thousands of Catholics from around the world.

395 episodes

Listed in: religion

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Bridging the Gap With Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Bridging the Gap airs the Bible teaching of Pastor Lloyd Pulley, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge. Pastor Lloyd's teaching of God's truth is practical, encouraging, inspirational, and challenging. He has a unique way of explaining God's Word in a transparent manner to help listeners apply it to their daily lives. The vision of Bridging the Gap is to broadcast God’s Word and to watch it work in the lives of people!

220 episodes

Listed in: religion

Anouk Corolleur

Anouk Corolleur

Salut à toi, c’est Anouk Corolleur ! Bienvenue sur Cap sur tes rêves, le podcast qui t'accompagne chaque semaine pour te guider vers une vie épanouissante et alignée avec tes aspirations profondes. Tous les mardis, dès 7h00, retrouve un nouvel épisode rempli d'inspiration et de conseils pratiques pour t'aider à mieux naviguer sur l'océan de ta vie et à mettre le cap sur tes rêves les plus ambitieux. Au programme : des interviews inspirantes avec des experts en bien-être, loi de l'attraction, et entrepreneuriat, ainsi que des épisodes en solo où je partage mes réflexions et astuces pour t’aider à prendre soin de toi en tant que femme. Ensemble, nous transformerons cette aventure humaine en une expérience vibrante et exaltante ! Que ce soit ta vie professionnelle, tes relations, tes émotions, ta sexualité ou même ton cheminement spirituel, nous explorerons tous les aspects de ta vie à 360 degrés. Prépare-toi à plonger dans un univers où chaque épisode est une nouvelle étape vers une vie plus riche, plus pleine de sens et résolument épanouissante. Alors, es-tu prête à embarquer pour cette aventure extraordinaire ? Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

25 episodes

Listed in: religion



Svätí Otcovia nás učia umeniu duchovného života.

391 episodes

Listed in: religion

Sierra Pines Church Podcast

Sierra Pines Church Podcast

Sierra Pines Church is a community of believers nestled in the Sierra Nevada foothills, 16 miles away from Yosemite National Park's south gate. Our Passion is to see Christ glorified in our community and to the ends of the Earth. Furthermore, we believe we are called to love and inspire the disenfranchised. We do this by sharing the good news of Jesus' resurrection and offering various resources to grow believers in their faith. Here you will find our Sunday Sermons and our Tuesday at The Table Podcast.

53 episodes

Listed in: religion

Extraordinary Church Podcast

Extraordinary Church Podcast

We exist to see ordinary people live extraordinary lives in Jesus Christ. Each week our dynamic preaching team and guest speakers will encourage you to go deeper with God and see new ways to engage the world with His love.

132 episodes

Listed in: religion

Sicha In Depth

Sicha In Depth

This is a Shiur focused on specific concepts discussed in the Sicha; it does not go through the Sicha page by page, but dissects central ideas in depth.

200 episodes

Listed in: religion

Congregación Shalom

Congregación Shalom

Somos una comunidad cristiana inclusiva y transversal afiliada a Las Asambleas de Dios de Chile, tenemos un especial cuidado por la persona, la familia y nuestra sociedad, esto por medio de un fuerte compromiso con las sagradas escrituras y una asistencia personalizada accesible a todos sus miembros e integrantes. Estamos en una permanente búsqueda de la madurez y vida cristiana práctica resultando en historias de vidas transformadas por el evangelio de Jesucristo que llevan honra y gloria a Dios.

45 episodes

Listed in: religion

Return to the Word Bible Study

Return to the Word Bible Study

Study the Bible with Pastor Mark Fontecchio on the Return to the Word Podcast. Advancing the message of God's amazing grace to the world one verse at a time.

157 episodes

Listed in: religion

Fort Lauderdale
Primary Purpose
Big Book Study Group

Fort Lauderdale Primary Purpose Big Book Study Group

In order to help us stay focussed as we study the Big Book, we use the “Big Book Study Guide” prepared by Joe and Charlie and Crusty Cliff of the “Dallas Primary Purpose Group”. This study format is currently being used worldwide, as the basic text for Big Book Sponsorship.

50 episodes

Listed in: religion

Flipside Christian Church

Flipside Christian Church

Watch our Live Sermons every Sunday morning at 10:30am by searching "Flipside Christian Church" on Youtube or go to "flipside.church" See more of Flipside Christian Church by going to our website at "http://www.flipside.church/media/" or download our app by searching "Flipside Christian Church" in the Google Play and Apple App Store. Flipside Christian Church Madera Ranchos, CA

101 episodes

Listed in: religion

Grace & Truth

Grace & Truth

Some Bridges you have to cross alone...Everyone can't go where God is taking you...There is a difference between walking alone and being alone.

69 episodes

Listed in: religion

Podcast Torah-Box Entre Femmes

Podcast Torah-Box Entre Femmes

Découvrez tous les cours audio en vidéo quotidiens de Torah-Box entre Femmes

399 episodes

Listed in: religion

TRUTH Talk with Stu Epperson

TRUTH Talk with Stu Epperson

Some truth hurts, but this TRUTH heals! Stu Epperson, Jr. digs deep into the Word of God every time with humor, friends, heart and soul. Listen. You'll always be glad you did!

181 episodes

Listed in: religion

Chapel of Change

Chapel of Change

Pastor Brian Warth is the Senior Pastor of Chapel of Change Church in Paramount and Long Beach, California.

121 episodes

Listed in: religion

Tikvat Israel Sermons

Tikvat Israel Sermons

Sermons on the Parsha and New Covenant by Rabbi David Wein and the other leaders at Tikvat Israel Messianic Synagogue.

45 episodes

Listed in: religion

Sower LA Podcast

Sower LA Podcast

If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this podcast is for you. Sower LA is a Catholic Ministry based on the dynamic New Evangelization and supported by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Sower LA Podcast features Catholic Preachers and guides Catholics through Bible Scriptures/Catholic Topics in weekly episodes. Each 20 - 60 minute episode includes: Bible Scriptures, reflection, and guided prayer to help you hear God's voice in his word. Unlike any other Catholic podcast, Sower LA Podcast is a new evangelization that encounters God in a dynamic and spiritual filled setting. Now Available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and Amazon Music. Search @SowerLA Facebook/YouTube/Instagram: @SowerLA

51 episodes

Listed in: religion

BROAD Minded

BROAD Minded

This podcast is open to discussion of a broad range of topics, from spirituality, Astrology, and Numerology to magic and mysticism. We seek understanding, balance, growth, enlightenment, and happiness...from a broad’s perspective.

6 episodes

Listed in: religion

Spirit Call: The Podcast with Psychic Medium Jeni Juranics

Spirit Call: The Podcast with Psychic Medium Jeni Juranics

Jeni Juranics is a Canadian Medium, Psychic, Tarot Reader & Intuitive Investigator. Here, she shares her experiences both good and bad with all who seek the truth about Spirituality, The Afterlife, Mediumship and Spirit. Jeni has been offering readings since 2016 as a professional Psychic Medium. This podcast is a place for her to share the ups and downs, the good, the bad and unbelievable events, lessons and learnings with listeners who like her, are seekers of the truth. Whether you're a developing Medium yourself, seeking spiritual guidance or are fascinated by all things Spirit, you are welcome here. Enjoy!

8 episodes

Listed in: religion

Living Astrology With Janet Hickox

Living Astrology With Janet Hickox

On Living Astrology With Janet Hickox you can learn about the different facets of Astrology and Human Design Astrology. At times we dive deep into the Gene Keys and view the world through the dimensions of Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi. We talk about the transits that are affecting us all, and I often have interesting guests that join me in talking about a variety of interesting topics. Grab your cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox for the Astrology - Human Design - Gene Keys wisdom - Mondays & Fridays at 11:00 am PT / 2:00 pm ET.  Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/living-astrology/support

1 episodes

Listed in: religion

Are You An SGI Member?

Are You An SGI Member?

Let’s talk about the Sgi in ways too many people are afraid to.

200 episodes

Listed in: religion

Liturgia Diária

Liturgia Diária

Nesta série de podcast lemos o Evangelho do dia e compartilhamos sobre a Palavra de Vida, que tem o poder de nos dar uma vida nova.

568 episodes

Listed in: religion

Hear the good news from the First Christian Church Of Chiefland

Hear the good news from the First Christian Church Of Chiefland

Bible-based sermons from Tom are presented each Sunday from the First Christian Church of Chiefland Florida. You will also find special messages and answers to many of your bible questions. If you have a question please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer you personally.

36 episodes

Listed in: religion

Profundizando en la Palabra

Profundizando en la Palabra

Audios para alimentar nuestras almas y predicación para profundizarnos en la preciosa Palabra de Dios Espero que todo presentado acá puede ser de gran bendición a todos. ¡Vamos a Profundizar en Su Palabra!

166 episodes

Listed in: religion

Crossroads Church of God, Lima OH

Crossroads Church of God, Lima OH

Inviting people to apprenticeship in Christ: Learning to live by faith, transmit hope, and be known by love. Family oriented church in Lima, Ohio. Sunday Services in person at 9 & 10:45am, Online at 10:45am. www.limacrossroads.org

268 episodes

Listed in: religion



We need to redeem the time as the passage in Ephesians 5 states BECAUSE the days are evil. It is vital as believers that we learn to discern. We need to acquire wisdom so we can walk in truth. Wisdom is word based and God given. We learn it from the word of God and ultimately from the God who gave us the Word. My brother Norman and I are going to be setting up a ministry and under this ministry umbrella we will establish a YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgGuqrDZ3ku7C78qrb4eOyQ Tik-Tok short form video here tiktok.com/@genekissinger_rttbros https://linktr.ee/rttbros

552 episodes

Listed in: religion

Expression58's Services

Expression58's Services

Our mission is to foster personal and cultural transformation through Love, Creativity, and Justice. We are a diverse community that seeks to live our faith in an authentic way, we long for the undiluted gospel, and for the world to see and know how good God really is. Follow us!: Website: https://www.expression58.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expression58/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/expression58/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Expression58media

98 episodes

Listed in: religion

Awakening Women Podcast

Awakening Women Podcast

Discussing all topics related to holistic health, alternative health, spirituality, psychology, marriage, and personal development.

287 episodes

Listed in: religion

Sicha Discourse, Rabbi Ari Shishler

Sicha Discourse, Rabbi Ari Shishler

An full study of the weekly Sicha from "Likkutei Sichos" geared for a broader audience, presented by Rabbi Ari Shishler.

154 episodes

Listed in: religion