Domiplay República Dominicana

Domiplay República Dominicana

Escucha los principales programas de radio de República Dominicana. Encuentra más contenidos en

3381 episodes

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Two Glasses In

Two Glasses In

Welcome to “Two Glasses In,” a podcast and video series celebrating Santa Barbara County wine and the vintners who dedicate their lifeworks to the art of winemaking. If you’ve ever been curious about the winemaking process or the stories behind your favorite bottles of wine, this is the show for you. From legendary winemakers to the new kids on the vine block, tune in every Thursday for new podcast episodes as host Bion Rice sits down with fellow Santa Barbara County winemakers for a candid, in-depth conversation to discuss their wines, the craft and their lives, over two glasses of wine.

10 episodes

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Der Podcast, der das literarische Leben in Bremen und dessen Vielfalt anschaulich, nachvollziehbar, erlebbar macht. Die Stadt hat in den vergangenen Jahren viel erreicht und ist zum Freihafen des literarischen Wortes avanciert, in dem Diversität den Ton angibt. Dazu gehören nicht nur AutorInnen, sondern auch die unterschiedlichsten Lesegenerationen, die BuchhändlerInnen der Stadt, die Verlage sowie sämtliche Einrichtungen, die sich die Vermittlung literarischer Inhalte, Themen und Ausdrucksformen zur Aufgabe setzen. Wir wollen zeigen, dass all die genannten Perspektiven zusammengenommen und für Diversität, Austausch und Diskurs stehen. In einem lockeren Gesprächsformat, offen, persönlich und neugierig auf die Vielfalt des Literaturbetriebs.

9 episodes

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Ausgesprochen: Fröhlich mit Schäfer

Ausgesprochen: Fröhlich mit Schäfer

Sie sind Fernsehmacherinnen, Radiomoderatorinnen, Bestsellerautorinnen, Mütter, Organspendeausweisbesitzerinnen... und Freundinnen (noch). Ab sofort auch Podcasterinnen! Ab März reden Susanne Fröhlich und Bärbel Schäfer hier über alles, was sie bewegt: Kerle, Küche, Klima. Und den ganzen großen Rest. Jetzt schon abonnieren und keine Folge verpassen!

103 episodes

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It's All About Connection! NVC With Dr. B!

It's All About Connection! NVC With Dr. B!

Want to learn how to deepen or create better connection in your life? It's All About Connection, NVC with Dr. B. will show you how. Join Dr. B and her co-host Heather each week as they share the art of Nonviolent Communication, creating concrete, real peace in our world!

63 episodes

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Monsters Who Murder: Serial Killer Confessions

Monsters Who Murder: Serial Killer Confessions

It's the podcast dividing listeners as we bring unique insights and interviews with the world's most notorious serial killers. Our case files bring you the facts, but our exclusive interviews show you another side -- the human side. Amanda Howard is a best selling true crime author who doesn't just talk about serial killers, she talks to them. Now Amanda is sharing almost 30 years worth of research, including letters and never-before-heard recordings that will shed new light on famous cases. Our weekly news section brings you the latest developments from the world of true crime with insight on each story. *Our back catalogue can be found here:

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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

62 episodes

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Monster Dear Monster

Monster Dear Monster

Diving into the contrasts and evolution of monsters between their folklore origins and contemporary depictions in various media. Discussions center on film, video games, and literature.

141 episodes

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Mr. Rathod's Neighborhood

Mr. Rathod's Neighborhood

Mr Rathod’s Neighborhood, hosted by Chirag Rathod, is a podcast full of laughs, insight, openness and great stories. Through long-form conversations with the people in my life, this podcast hopes to give the listener a better understanding of the connections between us all - Music by KJ & The Good Time Family Band - Artwork by @mrzainsyed - Follow me @mrrathodsneighborhood - "Who we are is a reflection of the people around us"

63 episodes

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Stellar Life

Stellar Life

Get inspired and live out loud! A podcast for exceptional women.

305 episodes

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Pórtico Estoico | Estoicismo en español

Pórtico Estoico | Estoicismo en español

Hace dos mil años surgió la filosofía del Estoicismo y desde entonces su sabiduría a ayudando a guiar la vida de muchas personas incluyendo líderes, políticos, atletas y escritores a través de sus enseñanzas. Cada semana te comparto lecciones inspiradas en los escritos de los Estoicos como Marco Aurelio, Séneca, Epicteto para aplicarlas en tu día y tener una vida más virtuosa. Todos los Lunes y Jueves hay episodio nuevo junto con entrevistas especiales los fines de semana.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

48 episodes

Listed in: Culture



Preparándonos para el retorno. todas mis paginas:

380 episodes

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Muni Diaries

Muni Diaries

The Muni Diaries podcast is where you'll hear true stories that happened on public transportation in San Francisco and the Bay Area, presented by the editors of Since our launch in 2008, we've gathered stories from more than 4,000 transit riders. To submit your own story, or read more bus tales, visit

115 episodes

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All Things Genuine

All Things Genuine

Welcome to All Things Genuine Podcast, I’m your Host Kemetria. I created this podcast to genuinely speak on the evolution of life’s valuable lessons, spiritual enlightenment, growth and whatever else comes to heart. Gratitude for listening and joining me on this journey. Peace.

4 episodes

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Avigo - Podcast

Avigo - Podcast

Hören Sie spannende Reisereportagen aus fernen und nahen Ländern mit vielen Insider- und praktischen Tipps aus der avigo Redaktion.

5 episodes

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Desayuno con liantes

Desayuno con liantes

David Rionda y Rubén Morillo presentan Desayuno con liantes, un original y divertido concepto de radio que despierta a los asturianos combinando a todo ritmo los elementos propios del Morning Show (música, entretenimiento y humor) con los de un espacio informativo.              


665 episodes

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Two C's with a Pod

Two C's with a Pod

Find out what happens when two life long friends who rarely agree on anything discuss current events

102 episodes

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Podcast Tidak Nyaman

Podcast Tidak Nyaman

Menghadapi rasa tidak nyaman melalui podcast. Tersedia di Spotify dan Noice Ikuti dan sampaikan kritik saran dan komentar kalian melalui instagram @podcasttidaknyaman Jangan lupa dukung kami untuk terus menyuarakan pikiran dan opini tidak nyaman. Silakan mendengarkan meski tidak nyaman! Please listen even its uncomfortable!!

33 episodes

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Welcome to Spartan Stadium. Each week we will feature a program, students, teachers, activities, etc. from Minico High School. We are very proud of the many opportunities our students have at Minico High School and what a better way to showcase them...... than using a podcast!

3 episodes

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Red State Blue Mom

Red State Blue Mom

Mama B discusses local and national topics pertaining to life in southern Appalachia.

13 episodes

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Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast

Toronto Mike'd: The Official Toronto Mike Podcast

Toronto Mike discusses various issues of the day and chats with interesting guests about the serious and not-so-serious. It's authentic controlled chaos with a Toronto spin.

988 episodes

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The Rod Ryan Show

The Rod Ryan Show

All the highlights and the full broadcasts from The Rod Ryan Show on 94.5 The Buzz, Houston's Rock and Alternative.

475 episodes

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Rich Conversations

Rich Conversations

Rich Hebron explores self-development, society & culture, art & science

175 episodes

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My Family Thinks I'm Crazy

My Family Thinks I'm Crazy

Does your family think you're crazy? So does mine. Join Me, your Host Mystic Mark two or more episodes a week as we discuss out of the box concepts with people who take the road less traveled. From Bizarre Events, Conspiracy, Mystery, Intrigue, Spirituality, Paranormal, Supernatural, Alternative, Ancient, Lost to Forbidden Knowledge Ancient Wisdom and so much more! Not exactly dinner table conversation, Right? ...Join us on The My Family Thinks I’m Crazy Podcast every week where these topics and discussions are right at home. Support us on Patreon or with a one time donation this show is value for value primarily supported by listeners please help keep the show on the air 3 times a week! @mysticmark on venmo. for more info. Immerse yourself in the ever-expanding now. Buy my book S.E.E.E.N Edition #1

151 episodes

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American Countryside

American Countryside

The American Countryside is truly a slice of Americana. It might be a well-known music or TV star or just someone with an interesting story that lives down the street. From Iditarod sled dog mushers, to NASA scientists... from the Rooster Crowing Championships to NFL greats...The American Countryside is sure to be of interest. Click the button above to listen to the latest show, or visit the American Countryside archives.

192 episodes

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Beyond the Mountains podcast

Beyond the Mountains podcast

A show about life in the mountains, the people who "Live, work and play" in the mountains. From ski instructors, mountain guides, restaurant owners to cheesemakers and helicopter pilots. Go beyond the mountains and meet the people who "Live, Work and Play" in them. Facebook: Beyond-the-mountains-podcast Instagrams: beyondthemountainspodcast

13 episodes

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Notes From The Pen

Notes From The Pen

A pebble in the shoe of the Prison Industrial Complex. Notes From The Pen is a modern portrait of American incarceration told, in real time, through a series of fifteen-minute phone calls between two special degenerates on opposite sides of a prison wall. Our website: Check out our reviews:

198 episodes

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Attitudes/Answers with Olen Baker

Attitudes/Answers with Olen Baker

A healthy lifestyle from a Christian perspective with marriage and family counselor Olen Baker.

192 episodes

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Critical Nonsense

Critical Nonsense

High-low brow conversations about culture, science, and tech. With hosts Joey Camire, Aaron Powers, and executive producer/nerd herder Jess Vander.

134 episodes

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Dvylika. Šis skaičius siejamas su erdvės ir laiko idėja, apskritimu bei ratu: dvylika Zodiako ženklų, mėnesių, valandų. Tai kosminės tvarkos, tobulumo ir sėkmės simbolis. Dvylika Graikijos panteono dievų, dvylika Biblijos mokinių ir apaštalų, dvylika Jokūbo sūnų, dvylika žvaigždžių Apokalipsės karūnoje, dvylikos pentagramų ratas Europos Sąjungos vėliavoje.

Į kokius 12 miestų būtina nuvažiuoti prieš numirštant, kokias 12 knygų į negyvenamą salą rekomenduotų pasiimti įdomus svečias, kokius 12 mitų paneigs gydytojas, 12 priežasčių neišvažiuoti iš Lietuvos?

(Michael Skok / Unsplash nuotr.)

135 episodes

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Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

Impact and Fulfillment with Coach Mike D

"Impact & Fulfillment w/ Coach Mike D" is your go-to resource for insight, inspiration and practical wisdom for an authentic life of purpose. We ALL are in search of ways to Maximize our Impact in society while also staying truly Authentic to who we are. If you're on a journey of becoming your best self, this Podcast is for You! Be Blessed, Well and Wise!

134 episodes

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Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life

Teach. Motivate. Inspire. These are the themes that run through my conversations with people who are living their best lives. Guests on “Live Your Best Life with Liz Brunner” are best-selling authors, international executives, public personalities, thought-leaders, health and fitness experts, award-winning chefs and role models who are recreating their lives in interesting, unique ways. They have taken all of their life experiences, the good and the bad, the successes and even the failures, and used that knowledge to not only create their "next chapters," but to inspire others as well. My grandmother was fond of saying, "no knowledge is ever wasted." It's so true. I have personally used all of my “knowledge” to "recreate" myself several times from High School music teacher, to working in retail, to a 28-year award-winning TV career, and now to entrepreneur. I call it "recreation" because to me it's about "connecting the dots" of all of our life experiences and skills, and using them to create our next chapter and to live our best, most authentic life. My guests are recreating their lives in interesting, unique ways. As an executive communications coach and motivational speaker, I not only work with Fortune 500 and C-suite executives on their communication/presentation skills, but I also help them learn the tools they need to become their best authentic selves and live their best lives. Join us for inspiration! Learn more at

57 episodes

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Fórmula Taurina

Fórmula Taurina

Programa conducido por Heriberto Murrieta y Alejandro Silveti

82 episodes

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Modern Minorities

Modern Minorities

Sharon Lee Thony and Raman Sehgal are two MODERN MINORITIES - Asian-American industry pros "making it" (?) - even though they never became the doctors their parents wanted them to be. Each week, they are joined by folks of all stripes - entrepreneurs, corporates, athletes, reporters, politicians, entertainers, and more - to uncover how our different cultural backgrounds shape how we uniquely experience the world. MODERN MINORITIES is a collection of conversations about work and life through the lens of race and gender. It is a show where we talk about “the thing” that everyone is thinking about, but nobody is actually talking about it. New episodes drop weekly.

120 episodes

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TOMorrow - Business. Stars. Lifestyle.

TOMorrow - Business. Stars. Lifestyle.

TOMorrow ist das Instagram der Podcasts. Hier kommen die Stars und Love-Brands zusammen, die wir liken und die uns inspirieren. Willkommen in der Welt des Luxury Lifestyles. Als GQ-Chefredakteur und Gastgeber der legendären GQ Men Of The Year Awards hat Tom Junkersdorf die spannendsten Persönlichkeiten unserer Zeit kennengelernt. In TOMorrow spricht er mit den Stars, CEOs, Designern und Disruptor der berühmtesten Luxusmarken der Welt über ihr außergewöhnliches Leben. Wie sich ihr Business verändert, was Style heute ausmacht und darüber, was Luxus wirklich bedeutet. Exklusive Einblicke und Interviews über die wichtigsten Trends aus Fashion, Watches, Automotive, Movie, Musik, Sport und Style – ab jetzt jede Woche montags neu in TOMorrow. TOMorrow ist Partner von CUPRA

37 episodes

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Confessions of a Disney Cast Member

Confessions of a Disney Cast Member

If there's one thing that makes Disney the most magical company in the world, it's the cast members that dedicate their lives to making the magic happen. Join us every day throughout December for a new Disney cast member journey... every story's pixie dust deserves to be told, so let's relive the magic. - not affiliated by The Walt Disney Company, just cast members celebrating other cast members and reminiscing on their experiences -

169 episodes

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RADIO CSI FORLI' programma radiofonico Prodotto dal CSI Forli' in cui vengono presentati tutti gli avvenimenti sportivi e non del Comitato Forlivese, conditi anche da brani musicali. MUSICA E SPORT. Un Binomio Vincente.
Conduce il programma Roberto Monti addetto stampa CSI Forli' e Responsabile Commissione Arbitri Calcio CSI Forli', Ciao a tutti e Buon Ascolto.

30 episodes

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Art Bell Back in Time

Art Bell Back in Time

Become a Paid Subscriber: Classic Art Bell. Subscription available.

44 episodes

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The Michigan Travel Show

The Michigan Travel Show

Come explore Michigan with us! Join your host Dave Lorenz as he explores all the things there are to see and do in the Great Lakes State.

33 episodes

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Reflexiones y meditaciones para avanzar en tu Crecimiento Humano.

51 episodes

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Moving on Sideways

Moving on Sideways

A podcast about literally moving experiences and living situations that made you want to move.

38 episodes

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Stories Philippines Podcast - Pinoy Horror Stories

Stories Philippines Podcast - Pinoy Horror Stories

With Over 300 Episodes! The Original and the Very First Story Narration Podcast from the Philippines since 2017! Inspired by the likes of Anything Ghost, No Sleep Podcast, Lore and CreepyPasta comes stories fiction and non-fiction that will trigger your imagination of the weird, strange and most of the time creepy but unforgettable creatures, lore, facts, history and culture in the Philippines and the rest of the world. Come and listen as we deliver weekly compilations of stories that will surely keep you up and entertained. Make sure to check us on our social media accounts! Support this podcast:

377 episodes

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Som'n To Say

Som'n To Say

Discussion on today's trending topics as well as one on one interviews with all different kinds of people. Support this podcast:

32 episodes

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Pizza Quest

Pizza Quest

Join the conversation! Pizza Quest is certainly about pizza, but it’s so much more! It’s an engaging celebration of artisanship in all its shapes and forms. Award winning author Peter Reinhart interviews many of the greatest pizza makers in the world, as well as growers, cheese makers, millers, and food producers of all kinds who all who have one thing in common: an unquenchable drive to experience and express the highest level of excellence in their work, and to share it with their friends, family, and customers. Peter explores the varying journeys that led them to achieve prominence in their fields, and also offers listeners demonstrations of their craft, whether making their signature pizzas, or taking us on an in-depth tasting tour of their olive oil, tomatoes, cheeses, and toppings. As Peter is fond of saying, “It’s more about the quest than the pizza, and the quest never ends.”

1 episodes

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Overnights is heard from 2am to 6am nationally on the ABC. There is great music and interesting guests from Australia and all parts of the globe. You'll hear conversations about food, travel, science, music, books, personal finance, sport, film, astronomy, fashion, gardening, relationships, collectables and much more.

457 episodes

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