Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab

Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works. Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning.  Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.   Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets.  In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

12 episodes

Listed in: Health

Emiliano Babilonia Radio Web - podcast

Emiliano Babilonia Radio Web - podcast

  • l'unica radio web al mondo che intervista le vittime del controllo mentale - mk ultra - Stories of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment - di Emiliano Babilonia
  • Emiliano Babilonia ricercatore indipendente di tecnologie e fenomeni inspiegabili , inventore , studioso di fenomeni paranormali come ufo , fantasmi , cerchi nel grano , sfere di luce , alte tecnologie , studioso di geoingegnerie , h.a.a.r.p , satelliti spia , alte tecnologie con scanner 3d biometrici , strategie tattiche per la difesa , strategie investigative , pedinamenti elettronici con geolocalizzazione gps , microfoni laser per intercettazioni ambientali satellitari con analizzatori di spettro biometrici , esperto di sistemi avanzati web e tanto altro .
  • Tutte le dirette radio web complete le troverete sul canale di youtube EMILIANO BABILONIA e sul canale di youtube ANGELI CUSTODI MK ULTRA ITALIA

26 episodes

Listed in: Health

Dave Kroupa     (DOC)'s show

Dave Kroupa (DOC)'s show

Dr. Kroupa's Natural Health Hours with Co-Host Susi Dantzler, and Bill Goodell

Become a supporter of this podcast:

157 episodes

Listed in: Health

Hårdare träning

Hårdare träning

Trånar du efter blodsmak i munnen, mjölksyra upp till öronen och lungor på gränsen till explosion? Hårdare Träning är en podcast för dig som gillar att slita riktigt hårt i hälsans tecken. Förvänta dig snack om hur du gör dig redo för dina kommande tävlingar, tränar dig starkare än någonsin och äter dig snabb. Vi blundar inte heller för att lyfta fram lopphaverier, mentala motgångar och kraschade magar. Tobias Ekvall driver podcasten tillsammans med en stor variation av gäster från idrottsvärlden, från glada motionärer till elitidrottare av rang. Lyssna och träna riktigt, jävla hårt!

81 episodes

Listed in: Health

Der MediosApotheke Podcast

Der MediosApotheke Podcast

Wir freuen uns, dich beim MediosApotheke Podcast begrüßen zu dürfen. Wir reden regelmäßig über Gesundheits-, Ernährungs- und Apotheken Themen direkt für dein Ohr aufbereitet. Jeden Montag pünktlich um 06:00 Uhr laden wir eine neue Folge für dich hoch. Egal ob du gerade zur Arbeit fährst, deine Wohnung putzt, mit deinem Hund Gassi gehst oder einen Spaziergang im Wald machst, wir freuen uns darauf, dir regelmäßigen interessanten Content bereitstellen zu dürfen. Dein Team aus der MediosApotheke aus Berlin.

46 episodes

Listed in: Health

The A to Z of Sex

The A to Z of Sex

Welcome to the A to Z of Sex! Each week I explore a letter of the erotic alphabet, covering topics from arousal to zipless f*cks. While exploring, you will learn more about desire, how to express your desires and how to spice up your relationships and create that long lasting sizzling hot relationship you have always wanted. My guests and I will share solid science, practical techniques and real life stories. We’ll answer the questions you have been too embarrassed to ask and talk about the down and dirty details that can make or break that intimate experience. . Knowledge gives you the power to create relationships that bring you satisfaction and joy. Join me, Dr Lori Beth Bisbey, The Intimacy Coach, weekly on the A to Z of Sex podcast and discover the many layers and many flavours of sex and sexuality and how to apply these to your intimate relationships. To find out more, read the companion blog and connect with me go to

222 episodes

Listed in: Health

Self Care Club

Self Care Club

Lauren Mishcon and Nicole Goodman are the Self Care Club. The advice for self-care today is endless and can be yet another overwhelming job for women. Every week they try a different self care practice, live it to the letter for a week and report back to you on the results. Will it actually improve your wellbeing or will it be another waste of your time? Part reality, part experiment, this podcast tests out self-care, so you don’t have to. Released 3x a week. We are sponsored by Indeed. Go to for £100 sponsored credit.

160 episodes

Listed in: Health

Lotte gaat diep

Lotte gaat diep

Seksuologe Lotte Vanwezemael praat met bekende Vlamingen over verschillende onderwerpen: van de invloed van mama/papa worden op je seksleven tot onzekerheden tijdens het daten, single zijn, de eerste keer en het belang van vriendschappen.

21 episodes

Listed in: Health

Holistic Alpha: Sexual Wellbeing for Men

Holistic Alpha: Sexual Wellbeing for Men

As Holistic Alpha men, we are on a mission to unleash our true power and best self! We know the foundation of this growth is sexual wellbeing. Sexual wellbeing lifts us up from the inside out. It makes us better men. It allows us to show up more effectively in every area of life. It brings more peace, presence, and joy into our lives. It allows us to connect with our dreams and visions, and bring them into being. It empowers us to uncover the real, best, most powerful version of ourselves. Sexual wellbeing brings more LIFE into our life. That is our mission. Join the tribe!

279 episodes

Listed in: Health

Siddhartha K

Siddhartha K

Wellness is a puzzle with many facets and angles. One approach doesn't suit everyone, nor is our wellness simply a matter of one thing, such as eating right. What's true, and what's not is a constant question. Walk with me, Siddhartha Khullar, towards our common destination of a healthy mind, body and spirit.

10 episodes

Listed in: Health

MDMA Therapy Podcast

MDMA Therapy Podcast

Conversations with experts in MDMA-Assisted Therapy

9 episodes

Listed in: Health

Women of Impact

Women of Impact

WARNING: Subscribing to this podcast will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, and living life on your frikin terms! Before becoming the co-founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition, before writing the best-selling book Radical Confidence, before becoming president of Impact Theory Studios, I had ZERO confidence. I was playing small, trying to be a good Greek housewife, but totally lost myself and her hopes and dreams in the process. And so with this podcast, no matter where you are on your journey, I have gotchu covered, homie! I interview some of the most successful, inspiring, and badass people in the game to bring you the straight-up, no-BS approach to build your confidence and get you from where you are to where you want to go! So get ready for a dose of badassery! Get ready to be motivated. Get ready to be empowered to stop waiting for someone to come and save you and finally become the hero… of your own life!

313 episodes

Listed in: Health

Modern Psychedelics

Modern Psychedelics

Welcome to Modern Psychedelics, where we explore the transformations made possible through intentional engagement with psychedelics. This podcast helps you integrate high consciousness living into the every day, not just during psychedelic experiences. Your guide is Lana Pribic, 3x certified core energy coach & psychedelics advocate. Lana works with people to integrate high levels of consciousness into their daily lives so they can feel more peace, fulfillment and connection. Our time here on earth is so brief, so lets’s make sure we fully experience and enjoy every moment. Let’s journey.

23 episodes

Listed in: Health

Louder Than Silence Podcast

Louder Than Silence Podcast

Exploring the ups and downs of life after sexual violence, including audio versions of our monthly newsletters

25 episodes

Listed in: Health

Pushing The Limits

Pushing The Limits

Pushing the limits - the show that gets deep into the psyche of limit pushers from all walks of life. Out the box thinker, elite athlete, successful entrepreneurs, social change innovators, scientists and more. Cutting to the chase to find out what makes them so successful, how they did it, what their life philosophies are and what gems of wisdom they can impart to us all. Hosted by Professional Adventure Athlete Lisa Tamati, author, producer, motivational speaker and mindset coach

290 episodes

Listed in: Health

CRTonline Podcast

CRTonline Podcast

CRTonline Podcast is a collection of interviews with well renowned physicians on medical journals and on-going issues around the world of medicine.

74 episodes

Listed in: Health

Derms and Conditions

Derms and Conditions

Now in Season 3, Derms and Conditions is a podcast from the team that brings you the Fall Clinical and Winter Clinical Dermatology Conferences. Each episode, you'll hear from leading Dermatologists in the US as they talk about Dermatology's hottest and most relevant topics and conditions. Dermatologists all face a barrage of new information virtually every day that is difficult to keep up with and digest. In this podcast, you'll hear about clinical practice tips and treatment pearls that you can implement on a daily basis in your busy practice. Subscribe to Derms and Conditions today to stay in-the-know with the country's leading experts. Thanks for listening!

17 episodes

Listed in: Health

Holistically Healthy

Holistically Healthy

Welcome to the Hold Nothing Back Podcast, hosted by Sydona Tregoning, online fitness coach and entrepreneur. In this podcast I'll be sharing my own knowledge that I've accumulated surrounding fitness and nutrition, as well as strategies on how to foster positive thinking. The goal with every episode is to teach you something that you can apply to your own life in order to become the best version of you. If you're interested in hiring me as your coach, head to Support this podcast:

23 episodes

Listed in: Health

The Redesign Project

The Redesign Project

The Redesign Project is for anyone who is looking to completely redesign their life. In this podcast, we explore ways on how to become our own interior life designer. We will look at lifestyle through the lens of total wellness and bliss. For every person who looks at life with questions like, "How did I get here? What more is there for me in life? Why am I not at peace? Who’s in my inner circle? How can I change my mindset? How can I motivate me? Am I living my purpose to the fullest potential?" This is podcast will help you discover answers to your innermost questions.

12 episodes

Listed in: Health

Ayurvedic Healing & Beyond

Ayurvedic Healing & Beyond

In Ayurveda we say, health is the foundation to enjoy the beauty of life. This podcast is a guide for you to reconnect with the most powerful, natural healing resources in order to benefit from optimal health and vitality. We will give you simple tools and practical advice to easily integrate herbal remedies and ancient healing methods such as meditation, breathing practices and ayurvedic nutrition into your modern lifestyle. Tune in and be inspired by enlightening stories from genuine healers around the world and individuals sharing how natural healing transformed their life.

104 episodes

Listed in: Health

CorConsult Rx: Evidence-Based Medicine and Pharmacy

CorConsult Rx: Evidence-Based Medicine and Pharmacy

Evidence-based medicine and drug updates for pharmacists, physicians, NPs, PA-Cs, and students that are on the go.

124 episodes

Listed in: Health

Psychologists Off the Clock

Psychologists Off the Clock

We are four experts in psychology, bringing you science-backed ideas that can help you flourish in your work, relationships, and health.

233 episodes

Listed in: Health

Private Parts Unknown

Private Parts Unknown

Private Parts Unknown (FKA Reality Bytes) is a Bourdain-style podcast exploring sex, love, relationships, gender, and seductive subcultures around the world. Join host Courtney Kocak and expert guests for hilarious, sex-positive conversations — destigmatizing everything from abortion to Ashley Madison, polyamory to PMDD, sex work to Shibari, and more. Travel series include Helsinki, Finland; Mexico City, Mexico; and Tokyo, Japan. Private Parts Unknown is a proud member of Pleasure Podcasts. For network details, contact

108 episodes

Listed in: Health

Tradiciones Sabias

Tradiciones Sabias

La Fundación Weston A. Price patrocina el podcast Tradiciones Sabias y promueve la idea sencilla y sensata de que la salud se mantiene siguiendo las tradiciones de nuestros ancestros, tanto en las artes culinarias y medicinales, como en los estilos de vida. Esperamos que cada episodio sea para ti una fuente de información útil que te sirva para gozar de una vida sana y feliz.

8 episodes

Listed in: Health

Anxiety Hypnotherapist | Hypnosis for Anxiety | Confidence & Charisma | CPTSD | Relationships

Anxiety Hypnotherapist | Hypnosis for Anxiety | Confidence & Charisma | CPTSD | Relationships

The number 1 podcast for anyone looking to overcome anxiety, build confidence and social value so they can experience deeper connections and more successful relationships. Topics discussed include, confidence, charisma, overcoming CPTSD and inner child healing.

48 episodes

Listed in: Health

Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast

Core IM | Internal Medicine Podcast

Core Internal Medicine via following series: 5 Pearls || Clinically relevant pearls Mind the Gap || Why do we do what we do? Gray Matters || Management Reasoning Hoofbeats || Dissecting clinical reasoning At the Bedside || Explore everyday challenges

99 episodes

Listed in: Health

Smarter Tech

Smarter Tech

Is “smart” tech the new stupid? Tech addiction, sleep-disturbing blue-light, electromagnetic radiation, and goldfish-level attention span… how can we do better? On the Smarter Tech podcast, safe tech advocate Nick Pineault and his guests will inspire you to use technology in a way that’s safe, mindful and health-promoting. Episodes release monthly. Topics will include the risks of excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, artificial light and health, tech addiction, children and screen time, and a deep exploration of the good, the bad and the ugly sides of technology.

57 episodes

Listed in: Health

Der Herzerklärer

Der Herzerklärer

DER Podcast für körperliche, seelische und spirituelle Herzgesundheit In dieser Reihe gehe ich allen Fragen rund um das Thema der ganzheitliche Herzgesundheit nach. Es geht dabei unter anderem um körperliche Fragen, zur Diagnostik und Therapie, sowohl aus ganzheitlicher als auch aus der Perspektive der leitliniengerechten Medizin. Aber auch: Wie sind seelische Themen mit der Herzgesundheit verwoben? Was ist der spirituelle Herzensweg? Wo gibt es Verbindungen zwischen diesen Themen und wo nicht? Alle diese Fragen werden in meinem Podcast behandelt.

17 episodes

Listed in: Health

Butterfly: Let's Talk

Butterfly: Let's Talk

This is the Butterfly Podcast from the Butterfly Foundation, your national voice for people living with body image issues and eating disorders.

24 episodes

Listed in: Health

Cuida Tu Mente

Cuida Tu Mente

Cuida Tu Mente es parte de Tec Sounds Podcasts, la barra oficial de podcasts del Tecnológico de Monterrey. Expert@s del Tec de Monterrey e invitad@s brindan herramientas y consejos para potenciar una vida positiva, con conciencia en el manejo y configuración de las emociones que nos permita conectar con las personas cercanas y con la comunidad. Un programa con ejercicios y rutinas para ayudarnos a cultivar una vida plena. Las opiniones expresadas en este espacio son de exclusiva responsabilidad de quien la emite y no representan necesariamente a las de nuestra institución.

41 episodes

Listed in: Health

Mindfulness in Voce

Mindfulness in Voce

I migliori articoli di su Mindfulness e meditazione in formato audio. Ogni settimana una mini storia sul tema della consapevolezza, raccontata da Alessandro Gilibini, istruttore di Mindfulness, per darti sollievo, sostenerti nella pratica e aiutarti a scoprire il meglio che c’è in te. Il tutto con un occhio all’antica tradizione buddista e ai recenti sviluppi della Mindfulness nell’ambito della salute e del benessere personale.

La Mindfulness è una pratica meditativa millenaria che negli ultimi decenni ha avuto una crescente diffusione in Occidente, anche grazie alla psicologia, in particolare per la riduzione dello stress (MBSR - Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) e la gestione delle emozioni.

Per interagire con domande, commenti o suggerimenti puoi lasciare un messaggio vocale all’indirizzo

243 episodes

Listed in: Health

Mindfulness For Beginners

Mindfulness For Beginners

A podcast focused on how you can pick up the basics of mindfulness and meditation with the aim of creating a calmer, happier you and a kinder world. Become a friend of the podcast & access exclusive content: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

124 episodes

Listed in: Health

Butterfly Banter Podcast

Butterfly Banter Podcast

Butterfly Banter is a Podcast to share my journey as a woman with TS and share stories of others affected by TS. Take a listen and enjoy!

26 episodes

Listed in: Health

Två nakna kullor - livet i avklädd version

Två nakna kullor - livet i avklädd version

Två vänner som levt i samma värld men upplevt den på helt olika sätt. Här pratar Sussie och Maria om LIVET, detta märkliga fenomen som drabbar oss alla men som många missar i jakten på lycka.

72 episodes

Listed in: Health

Hypno School Podcast

Hypno School Podcast

Im Hypno School Podcast dreht sich alles um das Thema Hypnose und Hypnose lernen. Die Moderatoren Astrid Krimmel und Stin-Niels Musche sind Hypnosetherapeuten und Hypnoseausbilder und entführen Dich in diesem Podcast in die spannende Welt der Hypnose. Auf kurzweilige Art und Weise erklären sie Dir, was Hypnose ist, wie Hypnose funktioniert und sie sprechen mit Dir darüber wie man Hypnose lernen kann und worauf es ankommt, wenn man Hypnose lernen möchte. Neben dem spannenden Thema wie man Hypnose lernen kann, sprechen sie mit verschiedenen Gästen zum Thema Hypnose und über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Hypnose.

51 episodes

Listed in: Health

Low Tox Life

Low Tox Life

Hello! Welcome to the Low Tox Life podcast - the place to bring your low tox life to life across all low tox pillars: Food. Body. Home. Mind. Planet. We cover it all to support you and your goals with some of the best minds in the world joining me each week. I'm Alexx Stuart, your host, and in 2009 I coined the term 'low tox' and started From there I've created 10 courses and had 2 books published (Low Tox Life and Low Tox Life FOOD; I've written countless research articles and recipes to inspire a low tox life. I am thrilled to bring this podcast to you as an extension of the online community, filled with multi-passionate people from around the world. The concept of living a Low Tox Life is one that rejects perfection, black and white notions of there only being one way to 'do it right'. Instead, we take a relaxed and curious approach to better choices to incorporate into our lives as and if they fit. Low Tox therefore instead of 'no tox' as people come together from all walks of life; from cities to regional and remote areas to work from our overlaps and all be part of the many solutions toward healthy people and planet. Forget wasting time feeling bad about what you're not doing or you didn't know yesterday. Let's feel awesome about what we can learn and do from today! Thanks for being here. I just know you'll be inspired as I am by each show. Enjoy, subscribe, pop the kettle on and most importantly: Welcome!

For more, head to and for easy back-catalogue exploring of the podcast, by topic type that you're most looking for, head to

And if you share a show, be sure to tag me at @lowtoxlife on Instagram so I can share it too!


Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

265 episodes

Listed in: Health

PsychoPraat Podcast

PsychoPraat Podcast

Welkom! Ik ben Kim, en in deze podcast neem ik je mee in mijn ontwikkelingsproces als psycholoog. Ik wil je heel graag inspireren om dicht bij jezelf te blijven en te vertrouwen op jouw innerlijk kompas, zodat je meer voldoening uit je werk en leven kan halen. Veel luisterplezier! Meer info op

9 episodes

Listed in: Health

SinQuest - Seks, Fetish, BDSM en Kink

SinQuest - Seks, Fetish, BDSM en Kink

Nederlandstalige,podcast over seks, kink, fetish en BDSM Niets is pervers - jouw (seksuele) fantasieën zijn niet raar - je bent niet a-seksueel - SM is niet gek - fantaseren over seks & pijn mag - leef je fetish - volg je gevoel - je bent niet gek

72 episodes

Listed in: Health

Couple heureux

Couple heureux

Maximiser votre bonheur en couple.

Trouvez, dans ce podcast, toutes les clés pour vivre heureux à deux. Aucun blabla, mais des outils concrets

Liste des catégories disponibles :

1. La vie quotidienne du couple

2. Gérer les conflits du couple

3. La sexualité en couple

4. Intensifier la relation du couple

43 episodes

Listed in: Health

Soul.Me podcasts

Soul.Me podcasts

Podcasts da SoulMe - uma empresa que gera transformação de dentro para o todo!

7 episodes

Listed in: Health

Sisters of Sexuality: Five Shades Of Play

Sisters of Sexuality: Five Shades Of Play

Are you someone who's passionate and eager to expand your understanding of sensuality and embark on a journey of sexual discovery? Are you curious about embracing a more open and diverse approach to relationships? Learn about emotional fulfillment, personal growth, effective communication, and the art of setting boundaries. Your host, Erotic Educator and Sex Goddess, Taylor Sparks along with her expert guests are here for the purposes of Educating, Entertaining and Informing you in all areas of sexuality, sexual health, kink, relationships and the business of sex. Support this podcast:

110 episodes

Listed in: Health

Mindfulness with Mariel

Mindfulness with Mariel

Join me in this journey together. Here you will find tips and tricks that can help you create the life you always wanted to live. YOU are an amazing humanKIND creator, with all the gifts you have to offer. Opening your hearts and mind to mindfulness, kindness, and compassion practices to live your best life. Be the change you want to see in the world.

41 episodes

Listed in: Health

Gastro Perlas AMG

Gastro Perlas AMG

Te presentamos la nueva modalidad de comunicación de la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología.

34 episodes

Listed in: Health

Cutoffs and Coffee

Cutoffs and Coffee

Your hosts James and CT bring you great conversations with high performers. This podcast gives listeners tips and tricks to help them optimize their lifestyle, when it comes to training, nutrition, mental performance, sleep, and work ethic, through stories of successful individuals. All while wearing cutoffs and drinking coffee. Support this podcast:

25 episodes

Listed in: Health



Thomas Lennon, host of the Type1lifting podcast. We will be discussing CrossFit news, athletes interviews, and diabetes issues. Please subscribe to my Youtube channel Support this podcast:

118 episodes

Listed in: Health