86: The benefits of acupressure for children

Published: July 17, 2017, 10 a.m.


Rather than providing a \\u201cone size fits all\\u201d approach to wellness, Oriental Medicine recognizes that each of us has a unique constitution.This Eastern practice dates back at least 3000 years, but its teachings are just as relevant and powerful today as ever.

Acupuncturist Cheryl Harris discusses the benefits of acupressure (and acupuncture) on some of her youngest patients. She discusses its efficacy as "preventative maintenance medicine," grounding the children emotionally and shoring them up physically. You will even get to hear from some of the children she works with on the show!

Cheryl knows what she\'s talking about! She has a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and she is also certified in Five-Element Acupuncture. She speaks to how the five elements--wood, fire, earth, metal, and water--appear in nature and in our own temperaments.

You will find this to be\\xa0a fascinating conversation that calls us all back to live in tune\\xa0with nature and our own nature. Cheryl reminds us how beautiful and simple the journey to\\xa0good health can be.

Visit westonaprice.org for the show notes for this episode.

