Episode 14 - Why MICRO Changes trump MASSIVE Action

Published: Dec. 4, 2019, 11 a.m.


This week Dana talks about building awareness around your thoughts and actions before taking massive action. She talks about the importance of making small shifts every day and how those are more effective than making a big shift once (or occasionally). Dana believes we are what we repetitively think and do. So who are you? What do you need to shift on a micro level each day to become the next version of yourself?
Also, Dana opened the doors to \\u201cfounding members\\u201d for her Align in 5 membership. Are you ready to shift your focus from what's EXPECTED of you to what's RIGHT for you? Find physical, mental and emotional alignment every day by connecting to YOUR needs and accessing your Internal Guidance System. Each month we will cover ONE topic that you can integrate into your every day to take back control of your life and start living in ALIGNMENT with YOU. January will be our kick-off month! If this resonates, I would LOVE to have you!