Episode 103: Why space matters - the benefits of creating space without filling it

Published: Nov. 10, 2021, 8 a.m.


This week I share something that has come up with myself, friends and clients recently. The topic of SPACE. While this is something I talk about frequently on this podcast, it\\u2019s worth addressing again.

I share the importance of creating space in your life if you truly want to shift and step into what you desire. Without space, there is no room to add more into your life, certainly not more of what you desire.

By getting honest with yourself about what is truly necessary in life, you can choose to make space for the magic, the divine alignment that life wants to bring you. With space comes clarity.

Mentioned in this episode:

>> Glennon Doyle: We can do hard things Podcast episode 39\\xa0

>> {IN}Sight Coaching Experience Application\\xa0

>> {IN}Sight Call - see if this work is a good fit
