Equanimity - The Middle Road between Attachment and Detachment

Published: Oct. 29, 2019, 3:39 p.m.

b'Sathi talks about different ways to understand equanimity. Although it is often understood as a balance between two things, that is not completely accurate. Equanimity is the wisdom of seeing things without attachment (being excited about something or someone) or detachment (being dissatisfied or frustrated with something or someone). It is the middle way between the two.\\n\\n\\n The person who has equanimity is always going to be trying their best without seeking an excuse. The person with equanimity thinks, "How can I do my best for other living beings?" But, the most important part is that you will not take on tasks as a burden. While you are helping others you will not do any harm to yourself. You take care of yourself while you are taking care of others. That is the balance. It is about understanding who you are and what you can do and what you need to do.\\n\\n\\n Sathi closes by explaining how meditation is reshaping each of us. Changing how we respond to the world around us on a day-to-day basis. Helping us understand ourselves with greater clarity.'