Why you're losing weight & gaining it back

Published: April 22, 2021, 8 a.m.

You follow the next big FAD diet and lose 30lbs. After the program is over, what now? What have you learned in order to continue your progress in the real world and for years to come? Majority of people who follow the next big diet or follow a plan from google, end up gaining the weight back. They're a few factors to why this can be and hormones play a huge role, along with mental health, stress, and emotional stability.


When it comes down to the food we eat, we are in absolute control of the reason why we gain weight back after losing it. The more we are aware of these situations the better sustainability will be yours. Not getting results or seeing the number on the scale go down is one thing, but losing 30lbs and gaining it all back is straight up heart breaking. 

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