The longevity purpose of health & fitness

Published: July 24, 2020, 11 a.m.

Getting a nice lean body is always great, but is that really the main focus? One of my biggest fears is not being in control of my body & health and after years of abuse to my body, I am creating an illness for myself that will damage my life in the next 10 - 15 years. We never know if tomorrow will come, but what we can do is plan for tomorrow to come by dominating today. The longevity purpose to health & fitness is to continue to stay strong, healthy, and functional in your 70s, 80s, even 90s. 

You get one shot at making the best out of your health. You get one lifetime to make an impact on your family line, on your friends, business, ect. We are wanting to take the fast routes to a better body but in the long run, what are you learning? This path to optimal health, physique, and performance is a marathon not a sprint. During sprints you get gassed very fast and aren't able to hold that speed for a long time. same with taking these fast routes. You can't hold a deficit forever, You can't hold dehydrating yourself forever. What you can do is take the time to learn about your body, gain power about yourself, and take everyday into your hands!

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