The Gate Way to Shredding Fat & Buidling Muscle for Girls & Guys

Published: Feb. 5, 2020, 11 a.m.

There are MANDATORY principles to shredding fat & building muscle for both guys & girls. Majority of people have 1 simple goal: lose weight & get toned, but how do you do that? How can you get "toned" and shred fat? In this episode I will share with you the MANDATORY ways that you need to take, male or female, to shred fat & build muscle. On a side note, goals are more fulfilling to acheive when you have a very detailed goal in mind. Such as: drop 4% body fat & gain 10lbs of muscle, or, Higher my squat max to 325lbs and lower my 40 yard dash to 4 seconds. The more detailed the better.