How to train your taste buds to enjoy healthy foods

Published: Oct. 22, 2020, 8 a.m.

I've heard to many people say, "I just don't like veggies. I've tried it before and I just can't do it". Vegetables are a essential nutrient to life and give the body strong minerals and vitamins that keep us strong internally. Not only that, but I've heard people basically say, "I just can't eat healthy, I love to eat to much". Well isn't "healthy food" also food. Isn't it something that people eat. Why do you think people enjoy crap food? Because that's all they're TRAINING THEIR BODY TO KNOW.


So whenever you begin to introduce healthy foods into your body, yes their will be a time where your body will want to reject these amazing foods, but guess what. All you're gonna have to do is continue to introduce these foods into your lifestyle to train your body to enjoy them. There is no quick easy route, there is only hard work and effort. The body is a beautiful creation and not liking healthy foods is only a state of mind that we need to train differently in thinking.


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