Eliminating stress with exercise

Published: July 22, 2021, 8 a.m.

Stress if a very unique thing that can seriously damage our mind & body. Stress can come in many different shapes and sizes, but the most important part is how we find a way to release it. Life stressors can be labeled as: bills, work deadlines, school projects, organization, studying, literally anything that makes you feel a little tense or anxious. With all these stressors in the world how do you find a way to deal with it or better yet, find a way to eliminate it. In this episode we will cover how to eliminate stress with the greatest stressor of them all, fitness.


Key take aways:

  • What is stress? What causes it and how does it affect our health?
  • Is training a stress and if so, how can it help with relieving stress?
  • How to juggle multiple things in life with stress and perform and your greatest ability.


If you have any questions you want answered or wanting to talk to me directly, head over to: https://www.trainhardlivestrong.com/ask