Eat for health

Published: June 10, 2021, 8 a.m.

Instead of focusing on eating for weight loss, getting shredded, getting 6 pack abs, ect, imagine eating just for health. How does that look like? How does the food we eat truly provide value to your body, it's organs, and it's functions? How does the food you eat give your body exactly what it needs to provide you with great performance, high energy, positivity, and outstanding health. Over the years, especially with people who don't understand food, we have lost the true reason on why we need to eat "well".


Now a days it's, "Yo Coach Matt, what do I gotta eat to lose weight?" It's rarely, "Yo Coach Matt, I want to learn what foods provide my health with what it needs to give me a long health life." If we see food through this lens, you will soon find out just how much you've been neglecting it. If we have pain, we go towards pain killers. If we are tired we go towards caffeine. Analyzing your body, it's reactions, and it's performance around nutrition and what you give it, can be the most simple fix to what can be causing harm in your life for the passed few months or years. 


"The best care is self care"

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