Creating a simplified method to achieve your progress with Beth Feraco

Published: March 15, 2022, 1:05 a.m.

The fitness industry is filled with a lot of false information and information that only works for there body. There are millions of meal plans/FADs that push restrictions and a life of hell that causes binge eating, gaining weight back, and just a whole mess of things. We need leaders in this industry that preach and educate FACTS. Facts based on science and a plan that's formulated for everyone's specific lifestyle, goals, and current level. Today's guest speaker, Beth Feraco, is one of those leaders in this industry. Beth understands her craft so well, she has created a very unique way of expressing it. In today's episode, you will more within this 1 hour, than you will searching the web for answers.

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Key Takeaways

  • Who is beth? How did this incredible fitness leader get into helping people achieve their goals
  • The hard facts of nutrition and how to truly simplify what you need to achieve goals
  • Mindset will always be key to your success and longevity. How to manifest your mind to success

My Documentary: "How Training Saved My Life" Episode #1 - Watch here

Epiosde #2 - Watch here

If you have any questions you want answered or wanting to talk to me directly, head over to: