Co-founder of RpStrength and Author of Fit to success - Nick Shaw

Published: Nov. 9, 2020, 9 a.m.

When COVID hit and we were forced to be in our homes, did you take on an extra hobby? Did you set goals to change your health, start a business, or a podcast (like me :D). The guest speaker for today has taken opportunities in life and ran with them. The reason why I ask if you did anything during the whole lockdown is because life is full of lockdowns. There are times where we are forced to do things we don't like, but even in those areas, there are doors of opportunity.


Guest Speaker, Co-founder of RpStrength, and Author of the "Fit to Success", Nick Shaw, comes on the show today to explain a handful of things. I highly recommend you take some notes or give this episode some uninterrupted time to really absorb what Nick has to say. In any health journey, goal journey, career journey, education journey, ect, there will always be struggles and sacrifices. One thing you have total control over is what happens next. Take the things in life and dissect them. Understand them, and get up and continue to push towards whatever your journey is. 

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