93lb weight loss journey, Lupus survivor, hypothyroid, and business owner - Andrea Elliot

Published: Aug. 24, 2020, 8 a.m.

Life will always have its ups & downs. Life is very mysterious in the things it will put in your way. What if one day you were told you have a life threatening disease? What if you had to grab your health and take full control of every day to ensure you are healthy and strong because your life depends on it. I've said this before, but if you get diagnosed with a disease or condition, BECOME AN EXPERT IN YOUR OWN DIAGNOSIS. 


Our amazing guest speaker today, Andrea Elliot, has been through it. She has had 2 kids, lives with hypothyroid, left her corporate job, opened up her own business, and is currently kicking lupus's ass. One thing that Andrea says in this episode is even when she was big Andrea, she loved herself. She loved her body and still felt beautiful, but only disliked her body when she looked at pictures of herself. 


Andrea has an amazing story and passion for what she does for others, her family, and her business. One thing I want you to take from this episode is what Andrea says at the end of this episode when I asked her, "What words of advice would you give to someone right now who has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease or has had a huge life changing obstacle?"


Health & fitness is not about the quick results, six pack abs, shredded arms, big glutes, ect. It's about you and how you feel. It's about your health and how you are taking control of your body & health because the self empowerment you have to achieve your greatest self. 


Guest Speaker: https://www.instagram.com/andrea.boldbodyfit/

Bold Body Fitness: www.boldbodyfitnesshouston.com

Your Host: https://www.instagram.com/matthew_fitness_trainer/

YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MatthewFitnessTrainer/

Podcast Website: www.trainhardlivestrong.com

Train with me anywhere at anytime: www.HIITYourGoals.vhx.tv

Athletic Beings Training & Apparel: www.athleticbeingstraining.com / www.athleticbeings.com