EP 464: Reader Question - How can drinking less make me healthier?

Published: Feb. 19, 2022, 7:30 a.m.


Drinking alcohol impacts every part of your body in some way, but did you know that simply cutting back on your consumption can shift those physical effects?

Join Annie as she takes us through not only the positive medical reasons for lessening our drinking, but also the vanity perks that you may never have thought affected your appearance.

Have you tried The Alcohol Experiment? Okay, if not, drop everything and go to\\xa0alcoholexperiment.com. This free 30-day challenge is designed to interrupt your patterns and put you back in touch with the best version of you. You remember, it was that version of you that\\u2019s living your most joyful life, the version that doesn\\u2019t need alcohol to relax or to have a good time, and is having more fun than ever. Again, this is a totally free challenge that will change everything for you. So learn more and join me 100% free at\\xa0alcoholexperiment.com.
