Take Home Reading: Rawah Arja

Published: Sept. 28, 2020, 2 a.m.

Photograph of Rawah Arja next to the cover of her book, 'The F Team', featuring an illustration of several footballers

Take Home Reading is a new short-form audio series for readers and writers – shining a spotlight on Australian writers with recently released books. In each instalment, you’ll be introduced to a writer, learn a little about what they’ve been reading lately, and hear a short reading from their latest work. 

In this episode we’re talking to Rawah Arja about her debut young adult novel The F Team, a funny and authentic story about what it means to grow up in Australia today. 

‘I always say to the kids that I teach, and the kids that I mentor in schools, I never want to be in a room where everybody looks and sounds like me. I believe growth and learning in life is about mixing with people that are different to you...  I think everybody has the right to tell their own story. For a long time in publishing, I got used to being comfortable with the back of the line. And I thought that was where I should be... I should be happy that at least I'm even in the line. And then you grow up and you realise that no, I have every right to be at the front of the line, because my story is just as amazing as everybody else's.’

The F Team is out now through Giramondo.