9 Primal/Paleo Podcasts You Should Be Listening To

Published: June 24, 2015, 2:09 p.m.


Podcasts have become a lifesaver for me. Whenever I\\u2019m stuck in traffic (which is whenever I drive in LA), or have a long trip ahead of me (and I don\\u2019t feel like or can\\u2019t read), I use podcasts to make otherwise wasted time incredibly productive, engaging, and enjoyable. Here are what I consider to be the best Primal/paleo/ancestral health-related podcasts in the world. I\\u2019ll also throw in some of my favorite podcasts that have nothing at all to do with health and fitness and Primal living.


(This Mark's Daily Apple article was written by Mark Sisson, and is narrated by Brock Armstrong)
