Episode 167: Hume on Intelligent Design (Part Two)

Published: July 10, 2017, 12:47 p.m.


Continuing on David Hume\\u2019s\\xa0Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion\\xa0(1779), with guest Stephen West. We get further into what\\u2019s wrong with the design argument and why Hume thinks that it\\u2019s merely a verbal dispute whether we want to say that God designed the orderly universe or just say that the universe is orderly. Also, the problem of evil!

Listen to\\xa0part 1\\xa0first, or get the ad-free, unbroken\\xa0Citizen Edition.\\xa0Please support PEL!

End song: "Here Comes the Flood" by The Security Project; one of its leaders Trey Gunn appeared on Nakedly Examined Music ep. 21.
