Expanded Perspectives

Expanded Perspectives

Expanded Perspectives Podcast is your source for Ancient History, Alternative History, Cryptozoology, UFO's, Conspiracy Theories and all things Paranormal. Join the hosts and lifelong friends Kyle Philson and Cameron Hale as they dig into mysteries of our ancient past, unusual events, unbelievable creatures and undeniable truths through research and interviews with top researchers, archaeologist, historians and authors. They take a down to earth approach while maintaining and open mind. Its time for you to expand your perspective!

340 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Strange Familiars

Strange Familiars

Join us as we explore the stranger aspects of our world. From bigfoot creatures and other cryptids to hauntings, hexes, magick, and more. A combination of historical research, witness interviews, discussion, and on-site recordings (where possible) is used to tell stories of the weird-but-true.

176 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Philosophize This!

Philosophize This!

Beginner friendly if listened to in order! For anyone interested in an educational podcast about philosophy where you don't need to be a graduate-level philosopher to understand it. In chronological order, the thinkers and ideas that forged the world we live in are broken down and explained.

153 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Dear Hank & John

Dear Hank & John

Hosts John and Hank Green (authors and YouTubers) offer both humorous and heartfelt advice about life’s big and small questions. They bring their personal passions to each episode by sharing the week’s news from Mars (the planet) and AFC Wimbledon (the fourth-tier English football club).

484 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast

The Partially Examined Life is a podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, we pick a short text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. You don't have to know any philosophy, or even to have read the text we're talking about to (mostly) follow and (hopefully) enjoy the discussion. For links to the texts we discuss and other info, check out www.partiallyexaminedlife.com. We also feature episodes from other podcasts by our hosts to round out your partially examined life, including Pretty Much Pop (prettymuchpop.com, covering all media), Nakedly Examined Music (nakedlyexaminedmusic.com, deconstructing songs), Philosophy vs. Improv (philosophyimprov.com, fun with performance skills and philosophical ideas), and (sub)Text (subtextpodcast.com, looking deeply at lit and film). Learn about more network podcasts at partiallyexaminedlife.com.

481 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Angry Dad Podcast

Angry Dad Podcast

One Dad getting everything off his chest and saying what every he want to say

503 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps

Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King’s College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, ”without any gaps.” The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition. www.historyofphilosophy.net. NOTE: iTunes shows only the most recent 300 episodes; subscribe on iTunes or go to a different platform for the whole series.

374 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Lucretius Today -  Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Lucretius Today - Epicurus and Epicurean Philosophy

Lucretius Today is a podcast dedicated to learning Epicurean philosophy through study of the poet Lucretius, who lived in the age of Julius Caesar and wrote "On The Nature of Things," the only complete presentation of Epicurus' ideas left to us from the ancient world. We'll walk you line by line through the six books of Lucretius' poem, and we'll discuss how Epicurean philosophy can apply to you today. In this podcast we won't be talking about modern political issues. How you apply Epicurus in your own life is entirely up to you. Over at the Epicureanfriends.com web forum, we apply this approach by following a set of ground rules we call "Not Neo-Epicurean, But Epicurean." Epicurean philosophy is not a religion, it''s not Stoicism, it's not Humanism, it's not Libertarianism, it's not Atheism, and it's not Marxism or any other philosophy - it is unique in the history of Western Civilization, and as we explore Lucretius's poem you'll quickly see how that is the case. The home page of this podcast is LucretiusToday.com, and there you can find a free copy of the version of the poem from which we are reading, and links to where you can discuss the poem between episodes at Epicureanfriends.com.

98 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Dentro alla filosofia

Dentro alla filosofia

La storia della filosofia raccontata – in ordine cronologico – da Ermanno Ferretti, in arte "scrip", autore di "Per chi suona la campanella" e youtuber.

56 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Thomas Peterson's show

Thomas Peterson's show

True Feelings

61 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

The Free Zone w/ Freeman Fly

The Free Zone w/ Freeman Fly

Hollywood Mind Control and Occult Government. Learn the meanings behind Illuminati Symbols and explore High Profile Rituals performed by Top Celebrities. This is where the esoteric meets the political.

67 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Chiarimenti filosofici

Chiarimenti filosofici

Un insegnante di filosofia illustra alcuni concetti, temi, autori e idee.

18 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Alien Theorists Theorizing

Alien Theorists Theorizing

Join The Alien Theorists as they wade through the BS and get inspired by the possibilities. An open-minded comedy podcast discussing: Space exploration, the UFO and ET phenomenon, cold case mysteries, cryptozoology, and anything else in the world of the weird.

152 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Ricardo's Time

Ricardo's Time

Un podcast sobre cómo llevar una vida plena y feliz basada en la razón y la objetividad, inspirándonos en las ideas de Ayn Rand.

Ricardo Ibáñez es un Emprendedor intelectual, Presidente de Ricardo's Time.

8 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Pillole di Stregheria

Pillole di Stregheria

Tredici minuti a puntata, circa..., per ascoltare parole di Strega e scoprire che non sei matta né sola. Abbiamo iniziato con informazioni essenziali per una sopravvivenza consapevole, la posta delle streghe ed esercizi per mantenersi magiche giorno per giorno. Continuamo condividendo ricerche e riflessioni sugli archetipi che possono aiutarci a guardare e a guardarci.
Maggiori dettagli, il programma completo dei temi trattati nei vari cicli, la bibliografia e i contatti li trovi qui https://pilloledistregheri.wixsite.com/podcast.

44 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Incontri ravvicinati di 3 tipi

Incontri ravvicinati di 3 tipi

Il podcast nato per curiosità e che si nutre di curiosità
Con Igor Guida, Silvia Platania e Gabriele Colombo

12 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

The Tempest Universe

The Tempest Universe

Join Manny in exploring UAPs, UFOs, aliens, conspiracy, and weird news from around the world.

Visit http://www.thetempestuniverse.com

Discord Group - https://discord.com/channels/679454064890871869/679454064890871875

95 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Tha SCRIPT Podcast

Tha SCRIPT Podcast

Too much sucka shit in the World. Not enough of us are sharing the Script to do better.
Enjoy this unfiltered, no bullshit GAME about how to survive & thrive in your BLACK AWESOMENESS. Come through, listen, and think with a Queen.

11 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Tommie The Brain - In Space

Tommie The Brain - In Space

Innerst inne har du alltid känt att du är speciell. Att du, just du, har något särskilt att erbjuda världen och dina medmänniskor. Det kan vara bra att veta att du har helt fel och att du vare sig är speciell eller någonsin kommer bidra med något av värde till världen i stort.

17 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Around The Bonfire

Around The Bonfire

Some of our best conversations over the years have been had around the bonfire. Hosts Adam, Logan, and Andy recreate those conversations in this podcast, touching on different areas of philosophy, technology, and the general interests of the three.

11 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Rádio UFRJ - Mulheres Intelectuais de Ontem e Hoje

Rádio UFRJ - Mulheres Intelectuais de Ontem e Hoje

Mulheres Intelectuais de Ontem e Hoje é um programa que aposta na construção de uma cultura e uma tradição que valoriza o trabalho intelectual de mulheres. Para isso, o programa apresenta semanalmente breves biografias e o pensamento de mulheres de diversas áreas, locais geográficos e tempos históricos distintos. O programa é desenvolvido em conjunto pelo Grupo de Pesquisa Decolonial Carolina Maria de Jesus, da UFRJ, e pelo Grupo de Estudos em Reflexão Moral Interdisciplinar e Narratividade (Germina), da UFSC.

29 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society

The Aristotelian Society, founded in 1880, meets fortnightly in London to hear and discuss talks given by leading philosophers from a broad range of philosophical traditions. The papers read at the Society’s meetings are published in the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. The mission of the Society is to make philosophy widely available to the general public, and the Aristotelian Society Podcast Series represents our latest initiative in furthering this goal. The audio podcasts of our talks are produced by Backdoor Broadcasting Company in conjunction with the Institute of Philosophy, University of London. Please visit our website to learn more about us and our publications: http://www.aristoteliansociety.org.uk

163 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Truth Hackers

Truth Hackers

Truth Hackers is written, performed, and produced by Daniel LaFavers to help remind us all that we are beings of tremendous magic, and that we all bear a great responsibility when we speak and believe our world into being.

10 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy



Versiones en audio de los artñiculos de la web

24 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Bourbon Chronicles

Bourbon Chronicles

A podcast about the philosophy of everyday life. We can share two fingers of bourbon and discuss how to maneuver through life's twists and ups and downs.

54 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Breaking & Entering

Breaking & Entering

B-REEL Entertainment presents...Breaking & Entering: a podcast that takes a look at the different perspectives on a variety of subjects. Ranging from film to culture to controversial topics, this podcast's aim is for the audience to explore their own mentalities and hopefully, get a laugh or two from hosts Blair and Enoch. Tune in Sunday evenings.

35 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Wolność i godność człowieka w sporach bioetycznych. Wykład prof. ucz. Andrzeja Kobylińskiego (UKSW)

Wolność i godność człowieka w sporach bioetycznych. Wykład prof. ucz. Andrzeja Kobylińskiego (UKSW)

W wielu krajach świata toczą się obecnie bardzo poważne debaty moralne i polityczne, które dotyczą m.in. eutanazji, samobójstwa wspomaganego medycznie, zapłodnienia in vitro, inżynierii genetycznej, macierzyństwa zastępczego. Rozwiązywanie trudnych zagadnień bioetycznych zależy w dużym stopniu od przyjętych i akceptowanych poglądów filozoficznych. Bez określenia podstawowych pojęć filozoficznych (osoby, godności człowieka, wolności, sumienia, prawa naturalnego itp.) wszelkie debaty dotyczące np. stosowania metod sztucznego zapłodnienia czy legalizacji eutanazji są pozbawione solidnego fundamentu. W obecnej epoce historycznej szczególnego znaczenia nabiera refleksja bioetyczna, która pomaga wypracować ocenę moralną nowych zagadnień, związanych przede wszystkim z szybkim rozwojem genetyki, mikrobiologii czy medycyny. Refleksja bioetyczna ma wyraźny profil interdyscyplinarny i angażuje takie dziedziny wiedzy jak biologia, medycyna, prawo, filozofia itd. Cykl wykładów obejmuje sześć nagrań radiowych i jest przeznaczony dla studentów i innych słuchaczy zainteresowanych etyką, bioetyką, współczesnymi dyskusjami światopoglądowymi. Głównym celem audycji jest zwrócenie uwagi na to, że kluczową rolę we współczesnych sporach bioetycznych odgrywa właściwe rozumienie wolności i godności człowieka.

6 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Good Vaarbs Podcast

Good Vaarbs Podcast

Welcome to the GOOD VAARBS PODCAST! Listen to us discuss all aspects of our current lives in the most... 'intelligent' way possible.

Our main Protagonists are millenials from South Africa, all with their own views on the world. We have Nashin the Handsome, Ruane the Dry and Yadav the Small Eyed

Have a listen and dont forget to SUBSCRIBE AND RATE

1 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Coffee Shop Philosophy

Coffee Shop Philosophy

Author, Narrator, And Libertarian Killian Hobbs Talks Philosophy, Principles, Economics, And Life In General, In An Easy And Entertaining Way

5 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Pojęcia i rozumienie świata. Wykład prof. Roberta Piłata (UKSW)

Pojęcia i rozumienie świata. Wykład prof. Roberta Piłata (UKSW)

Cykl poświęcony jest problemom współczesnej teorii pojęć. Przeznaczony jest dla studentów szczególnie zainteresowanych współczesną epistemologią, hermeneutyką, filozofią umysłu oraz tradycją filozofii transcedentalnej. Uwzględniając tegoroczne ograniczenia zajęcia wykład ma formę serii nagrań radiowych uzupełnionych indywidualnymi konsultacjami. Przedstawię najważniejsze problemy teorii pojęć. Wyjdę od obserwacji i argumentów przedstawionych w monografii O istocie pojęć (2007) w której podważam rozumienie pojęć jako ogólnych reprezentacji i prezentuję interpretację pojęć jako obiektów abstrakcyjnych. W wykładzie zdefiniuję problemy, które w tamtej monografii pozostały bez rozwiązania i przejdę do nowego, hermeneutycznego i transcendentalnego punktu widzenia na rolę pojęć. W poznaniu i myśleniu, który nazywam transcendentalną hermeneutyką.

7 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Animales Nocturnos

Animales Nocturnos

Bienvenidos a Animales Nocturnos, un podcast en el que habrá cosas muy interesantes, hablaremos de todo tipo de temas tanto de la actualidad como históricos, entrevistas, saldremos a la calle micrófono en mano y mucho mas. Te esperamos cada semana con un nuevo capitulo .

4 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Preguntas Diarias Podcast

Preguntas Diarias Podcast

Si logro intrigarte, es porque elegiste de mis preguntas, la que mas necesitabas en este momento.

18 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Cosmic Kung Fu

Cosmic Kung Fu

A Podcast about the inner, the outer, and everything in between. It's like the one inch punch of Philosophy.

10 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Domestically Speaking

Domestically Speaking

Welcome to TrinTopia

13 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Fresh Conservatism

Fresh Conservatism

Fresh Conservatism is hosted by Trevor Barber, who isolates and dives deep into broad and narrow conservative philosophies of government, politics, culture, religion, and much more.
What makes this podcast a breath of fresh air? You do not need to be a history nerd or elite scholar in order to listen and be able to follow along.

4 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Blissfully Unaware

Blissfully Unaware

Nate and Hale explore their self-assigned niche: Abstract Philosophy

1 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Sperare è Peccato

Sperare è Peccato

E' la speranza che le cose si aggiustino da sole, che fanno peccare l'uomo di Superficialità.
Che sia trovare un lavoro, o aspettare che il governo ci dia una casa ci rilasci un reddito di cittadinanza, o che un dio ci sollevi dalle nostre croci.
Si essere superficiali è al giorno d'oggi un peccato capitale.
Sperare che qualcuno al posto nostro si prenda la responsabilità di iniziare a cambiare le cose, si può tranquillamente definire Utopia.
Questa cosa, questo atteggiamento è la causa della mia incazzatura...e forse anche della tua..
Superficialità, Utopia, Incazzatura...sembra un buon inizio

1 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Gotas de Sabedoria - Agência Radioweb

Gotas de Sabedoria - Agência Radioweb

Mensagens positivas para o seu dia.

273 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Radio Zulu (Cosa non vuoi dire)

Radio Zulu (Cosa non vuoi dire)

Letture, interpretazioni varie, capire dove si può finire di scrivere e iniziare a parlare

3 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Po Prostu Piotr

Po Prostu Piotr

Na kanale Po Prostu Piotr, dzielę się swoimi przemyśleniami na najróżniejsze tematy. Obecnie jesteśmy z rodzina na Islandii od prawie 6 lat więc dużo mamy do gadania jeśli chodzi o ten interesujący kraj i kulturę. Interesuję się psychologią i relacjami międzyludzkimi więc tego z pewnością dużo będziecie mogli posłuchać na moim podcastach. Zapraszam!

8 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Collegando l'incollegabile

Collegando l'incollegabile

Benvenuti al podcast che collega l'in.... va bhe, l'avete già letto nel titolo.
Buon ascolto.

4 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

SigoVerbo Podcast

SigoVerbo Podcast

Reflexões sobre coisas do cotidiano e seus efeitos no desenvolvimento da espiritualidade.

Episódios: dias 15 e 30 de cada mês.

4 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

The Existentialist Podcast

The Existentialist Podcast

The show is about Spirituality, mentality, and point of view. We want to know who you are. What drives you and if you think you matter. Stretched over an hour with some news and facts opinions and laughs sprinkled in between.

5 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

The Human Experience Podcast

The Human Experience Podcast

The Human Experience is a platform that gives our fans/followers/listeners ways to improve their lives. Our focus is the deconstruction, demystification and philosophical understanding of the things that make us human. We also explore meditation, yoga, consciousness, technology, business, entrepreneurship – lifestyle enhancement, human performance and more. Our aim is to empower you, our listeners, with practical, usable advice to enhance your lives.

173 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Menti supposte

Menti supposte

Ciao! Siamo Roberto e Gianmarco, due amici uniti dall'essere in disaccordo su ogni cosa: Roberto usa Windows, Android, gira video, ha paura di volare e crede nella meditazione e nell'energia cosmica, Gianmarco usa il Mac, l'Iphone, fa fotografia, viaggia in continuazione, ha una mente razionale e crede di vivere in un sasso sparso nel caos cosmico.

Iscriviti e ascolta i nostri dibattiti.

Menti Supposte: l'unico podcast che fa la pedicure ai neuroni.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GianmarcoVichiPhotography
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gianmarcovichiphotography/
Blog: http://gianmarcovichi.it/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lemiescorie
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lemiescorie/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5k4SbyPC5Stbun3SGD07w
Blog: http://www.lemiescorie.it/

7 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Respostas e perguntas.

Respostas e perguntas.

Um programa de respostas que não vive sem perguntas.

12 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy



Nesse episódio totalmente psicodélico, trazemos uma pincelada sobre a nova série de animação para adultos da Netflix, aperta o play aí e vem com a gente escutar um pouquinho dessa viagem.

1 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy

Survival to Finest

Survival to Finest

Struggle doing pandemic

6 episodes

Listed in: Philosophy