Eoin Everard Biomechanics Specialist - to stretch or not to stretch?

Published: March 7, 2023, 9 p.m.

I was very excited to be joined by Dr Eoin Everard for this week's episode. Eoin is a biomechanics specialist and chartered physiotherapist from Ireland, he's also a pretty phenomenal runner being 5 times National Champion, sub 4 min miler and sub 30 min 10k runner.

I wanted to ask him about the benefits, or not, of static vs dynamic stretching as part of a normal running workout. However, we ended up talking about a whole host of other stuff too from running style, preventing injury, running mentality etc. The interview was packed full of really useful advice which was both practical and achievable. I hope that you enjoy listening to Eoin as much as I enjoyed talking to him.

You can get a download of his free book at https://everardpilates.com/books/