D.A.M.N. Da Bear Tribute S2

Published: Jan. 8, 2023, 1:55 a.m.

b"This first episode of Season TWO goes out to a real one who transitioned recently. These relations we build (whether online or in-person) have the capacity to change the trajectory of someone's life. Relationships are so precious for this reason.

As tribute to one of two men I was blessed to collaborate with (S/O @wolfinsheepsclothing_co \\U0001f64f\\U0001f3fe\\U0001f4aa\\U0001f3fe\\u270a\\U0001f3fe\\u267e\\ufe0f ), I'm presenting this again as gratitude for the authentic experience.

\\U0001f64f\\U0001f3fe\\u267e\\ufe0f @cpt_no_fs_given, @thsp_dabear

When Kings and Queens unite, the community grows that much stronger. The Bear & The Wolf - masterminds behind THE HUNTING SEASON PODCAST joined me to have a deep conversation about our growth into adulthood and give the youth game that they may not be getting elsewhere. Both have gone through shit, survived, and elevated their minds via their life experience. Truer words can't be found anywhere else.

In our first collab - Tha SCRIPT x THE HUNTING SEASON come together to show you what supporting your fellow black man/woman looks like.
You can also catch this on their podcast on YouTube - The Hunting Season Podcast Episode 4 here on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbSL_ylIyNXgg05S5toxAQ/featured"