SHR # 2107 :: Peptide Series: Emideltide Delta-Inducing-Sleep-Peptide - DSIP - - Sleep Like A Baby Again ::

Published: Nov. 13, 2017, 5 a.m.

SHR # 2107 :: Peptide Series: Emideltide Delta-Inducing-Sleep-Peptide (DSIP) - Sleep Like A Baby Again :: Dr. William Seeds - Just about everyone I know over 40 wants better sleep. While hacking sleep with blue-blockers and taking melatonin seems to get people some benefit, there's still something missing. That refreshed feeling one gets from truly restorative sleep. We are first introduced to Delta-Sleep-Inducing-Peptide in our mother's milk for those who were fortunate enough to have been breastfed. DSIP effects a cascade of events and hormones that are responsible for sleep's restorative effects. ::