"We're going on vacation and I don't want my kids to be on their ipads"

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 7 p.m.

I changed my mindset from What I don’t want to what I DO want. It was smooth sailing after that.

"I don’t want them to be on the screen. "
"I’m being a bad mom. "
"We don’t spend quality time together. "
"We should be doing family things."
 "We are all separate."
 Blah blah blah. 

Feel disappointed, annoyed, unsatisfied. 

How do I enjoy my vacation when i'm disappointed?  -
Don’t enjoy my free time when they are on iPads; Feel like a bad mom; jealous that my husband is enjoying his free time; Don’t enjoy my time with him or myself. Don’t SEE all the family time we do have already.

Switched to I DO want to watch movies together/ Olympics together.

Satisfied. Clear. Certain. Good. 

How do I enjoy vacation when i feel satisfied?: enjoy myself and my vacation and my kids on my ipads!

Enjoy my time watching olympics with ,my husband or my kids. 

ENJOY my family time with them all watching olympics together. Or just me and my husband,. 

Appreciate the whole day we got to spend together with the kids, skiing, lunch tougher, coffee, being accommodating., letting others do what they want.  Dinner together. Pool Time together. 

So this is a classic example of changing your mindset around something and that makes a difference between enjoying it or not. 

How do you thin k about your kids screen time? I highly encourage you to get someone help you look at your thoughts about screen time and starting there.   How do you feel when you think them and how do you show up to yourself and your family when you feel that way? 

Let me help you show up as your best mom self and actually ENJOY yourself when your kids are on their iPads!