"This sounds too good to be true! Hidden fees!"

Published: May 14, 2020, 2 p.m.

After the last challenge, I surveyed those who took the challenge. And I asked them why they thought nearly 40% didn’t start the challenge.

Here are some of the replies:

“They probably think there’s some hidden cost”

“They might feel that something is not alright“

“They thought they gonna pay to get access to some features”

“It seems too good to be true”

So let me just reassure you: The 30-day challenge is completely f-r-e-e.

I’m giving you the best I can within 30 days.

And it will rock your world. It’s nothing like you’ve ever experienced, anywhere, ever.

It’s also an introduction to my work, and the kinds of results I can help create, yes. And if you were to decide to need additional assistance after 30 days, this is available. At a cost.

But this isn’t some scheme to try to trick you into buying stuff.

I believe in “results first”. Because that way you can make a well-informed decision about whether additional support is of interest to you.

So these 30 days there is no selling whatsoever.

This is completely focused on getting you the best results in just a single month.

Another answer I got from the survey said this:

“Since it’s free it must not be that great, right?”

Let me answer that too:

I can wrap this challenge up and sell it as a $500 program. It’s easily that good.

In this episode, I am sharing today one among the 3044 comments made from the last challenge. Check it out. So, what else can I say?

Listen to Farrah! :-)
