Taming your inner critical voice

Published: Feb. 18, 2016, 1:45 p.m.

I interview therapist, trainer, author, and supervisor of therapists Judy Byrne on the inner voice that criticises you.

You know, that voice that talks you down, discourages you, tells you how much of a loser you are, let’s you know you’re not enough, don’t do enough, and that you’re worthless… That voice!

She guides you through an EFT tapping round (a simple tapping technique that is like acupunture, but without needles, and rapidly neutralises painful emotions such as fear and shame) to soften that inner critic.

She also gives you plenty of suggestions on how to break down the inner voice and start to create an inner cheerleader. 

Now how empowering would that be to have in your life?

Expert's show notes page (www.social-anxiety-solutions.com/taming-your-inner-critical-voice/)

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Warm regards,
Sebastiaan van der Schrier