EP49 - Candace Farris Infertility Journey, IVF Story, and blog My Fruitful Journey

Published: June 13, 2018, 7 a.m.


For the month of June we are talking about infertility and IVF success stories on the Sisters in Loss podcast.\\xa0 In today\'s episode we have Candace Farris who has been on her infertility journey for 10 years due to Uterine Fibroids.\\xa0 After a failed IVF in August 2017, having her mother pass away in the middle of her IVF cycle, she is currently 10 weeks pregnant from a successful 2nd round of IVF.\\xa0 In this episode Candace discusses her journey to motherhood, having surgery to remove fibroids, her husband having surgery to help with sperm quality,\\xa0and preparing her body for her upcoming embryo transfer.\\xa0 This episode is for you to listen to if you are still in the wait for your miracle baby!

Candace Farris Bio
I\'m a wife of almost 10 years, a Christian, and lover of food. I find so much fulfillment in encouraging others while in the wait. I share my journey on my Youtube channel, Fruitful.\\xa0 I was born and raised in Detroit but currently live in the Phoenix area. I stay active by hiking, playing sports and doing yoga.\\xa0\\xa0My husband and I started trying to have a baby soon after getting married. After years of being unsuccessful and trying everything from herbal supplements, tracking ovulation, 2 surgeries (I had an open myomectomy to remove 13 fibroids and my husband had a varicocele surgery to correct a vein and help with sperm quality) we started IVF in August 2017. After dozens of blood draws, ultrasounds and weeks of daily injections, the dr retrieved 16 eggs but unfortunately only 2 were viable enough for transfer. To make matters worse, my mom passed away right in the middle of our IVF cycle. We transferred those two embryos and were heartbroken when we learned that our embryos had implanted but stopped growing. A few months later we started IVF cycle 2 in January 2018. This cycle we got 18 eggs and had 4 viable embryos, but only 3 were chromosomally normal. Since egg retrieval in Jan, I have experienced more delays and had to have more tests done before I can transfer again.\\xa0

Candace\'s Social Links\\xa0

Youtube Channel




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