96. Effective Conversations About Diversity with Anatasia Kim and Alicia del Prado

Published: July 6, 2019, 5:12 p.m.

Discussions of diversity issues are more critical than ever. And yet, conversations about these topics can be difficult, polarizing, and ineffective, leading to anger and hurt on both sides. In this episode, Debbie interviews Dr. Anatasia Kim and Dr. Alicia del Prado about their new book It's Time to Talk (and Listen): How to Have Constructive Conversations About Race, Class, Sexuality, Ability, and Gender in a Polarized World. Drs. Kim and del Prado offer a glimpse into their practical eight-step approach, the Kim Constructive Conversations Model. This approach can help listeners have difficult conversations by talking authentically about issues related to culture and diversity. If you’ve ever had discussions about diversity issues with co-workers, family, or friends that led to anger or frustration, this episode is for you! Listen and Learn: Why conversations about diversity issues can be so painful and challenging. Why we might sometimes choose not to speak up about diversity issues, and why sometimes it’s worth the effort. How values-guided conversations can promote healing. How to set an effective tone in a conversation and how to raise difficult issues while maintaining the relationship. Ways to respond to valid emotions (like fear and anger) without losing effectiveness. About Drs. Kim and del Prado: Anatasia S. Kim, Ph.D., is a tenured associate professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA, where she also has a private practice specializing in treating adolescents and young adults. She is a National Ronald McNair Scholar and the recipient of numerous awards, including the American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship, Okura Mental Health Fellowship, and APAGS Guardian of Psychology Award. Kim has served as president of the Alameda County Psychological Association, chair of the California Psychological Association (CPA) Immigration Task Force, and diversity delegate of the CPA. She has presented and published in the areas of cultural competency and training, immigration, women of color in academia, and more. Alicia del Prado, Ph.D., is a tenured associate professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA, and a licensed counseling psychologist with a private practice in Danville, CA. She has published numerous journal articles and chapters on cross-cultural psychology, personality, acculturation, and ethnic identity, including the first enculturation scale for Filipino Americans. She provides consultation and training on multicultural issues to companies and colleges. Del Prado is chair and co-founder of the Asian American Psychology Association’s (AAPA) Division on Asian Americans with Multiple Heritages and was awarded both the Alameda County Psychological Association’s Janet Hurwich Award and the AAPA Okura Community Leadership Award. To Purchase The Book: It's Time to Talk (and Listen): How to Have Constructive Conversations About Race, Class, Sexuality, Ability & Gender in a Polarized World Resources: Dr. Kim’s webpages: https://anatasiakim.com/ and https://www.wi.edu/psyd-faculty-anatasia-kim Dr. del Prado’s webpages: http://www.drdelprado.com/ and https://www.wi.edu/psyd-faculty-alicia-del-prado __________________________ Thank you for joining us on this episode of Psychologists Off The Clock. We appreciate your feedback. Please take a moment to leave a quick rating and review of the show on Apple Podcasts. It helps us spread the word to more folks like you! Subscribe for free where you listen to podcasts! Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Deezer, iHeartRadio, TuneIn