Part 62 - Dr. Jaime Seeman on Body Composition, Hormones, Thyroid, Womens Health, and Meat

Published: Nov. 20, 2019, 7:43 a.m.


Hey, hey, we\\u2019re back. Let\\u2019s get straight to it. I gotta get back to working on the Game Changers DEBUNKED film. Please support that on or click through the show notes. Just to make sure, I want to let people know this a scientific and factual debunking film with researchers and doctors addressing the science. Yes, we have a bit of fun here and there to keep it interesting, but it\\u2019s all about the truth, and exposing their cherry picking and misrepresenting science to fit their agenda.

Dr. Jaime Seeman AKA Dr. Fit and Fabulous is a board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist with a background in Nutrition, Exercise and Health Science. She is also a current Fellow in Integrative Medicine and a Board Certified Ketogenic Nutrition Specialist. She did her undergraduate training at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where she was a collegiate athlete for the Cornhuskers receiving many awards and honors. She then continued her education at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine where she received her Doctor of Medicine degree. She is a wife and mom to three little girls.\\xa0

This was an awesome one - so many topics my guests haven\\u2019t covered yet. I wish we recorded some more updated stuff about the blood spinning tests she\\u2019s doing for the Game Changers DEBUNKED mini-doc. She ate 5 eggs and 3 pieces of bacon and spun her blood in a centrifuge and it was - guess what - clear. The Game Changers mockumentary tried to say animal foods caused cloudy blood plasma. They did a little \\u201cexperiment\\u201d in the film and showed it was cloudy after a beef burrito and clear after a bean burrito. They are outright liars and cheaters I tell ya! They are deceiving the world with false information. Two engineers in Seattle also debunked this by eating huge amounts of lamb and milk fat and producing clear blood plasma as well.

Dr. Jaime is going to do a 2nd experiment tomorrow and match the amount of fat and calories of a beef and cheese burrito with a vegan burrito and see if it produces cloudy blood. What\\u2019s likely going on here is that eating a high carb AND high fat meal creates more triglycerides in the blood for a longer time. There\\u2019s more to this that will all be explained in the mini-doc.

So please support that on Indiegogo in the last few days of the campaign. There\\u2019s a lot of overtime going into this with editors, graphics people, sound people, etc. Food Lies is looking great - I just was going over some of it with the separate editing team. is firing on all cylinders and it\\u2019s hard for us to keep that good meat in stock. Learn more about all this at And give this podcast a review on Apple!

Thanks so much! I can\\u2019t wait to air this mini-doc on November 27th on YouTube. We\\u2019ll have a Meat-Up and viewing party in Seattle - Sunday Dec 1st and another one in LA on thursday Dec 5th. Now here\\u2019s Dr. Fit and Fabulous - Jaime Seeman.


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  • [10:05] She had three kids in 60 months failed glucose testing in pregnancy and this led to her becoming pre-diabetic/gestational diabetic. She had also suffered hypothyroidism after her 3 pregnancies.
  • [11:30] She tried whole 30, paleo, ketogenic and carnivore.
  • [14:40] Is carnivore safe for pregnancy?\\xa0
  • [17:06] The carnivore diet helps a lot of people but it wont work for everyone.\\xa0
  • [18:50] Her main takeaway - let\'s eat a diet of whole, unprocessed foods that are natural and with no ingredient list.
  • [20:00] The issue of the keto/low carb community making these extravagant sweets and treats.
  • [21:08] Woman, pregnancy and the underlying issue of insulin resistance.\\xa0
  • [22:27] The issue of our health system and the way it screens for pregnant women and nutritional consulting.\\xa0
  • [24:08] The effects of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on your baby.
  • [25:25] Hyperinsulinemia and preeclampsia (cardiovascular disease during pregnancy).\\xa0
  • [27:30] Pregnant women and the realization that its okay to have ketones in their blood, especially the third trimester.
  • [29:20] Should you use prenatal vitamins?
  • [31:53] Why the ketogenic/low carb diet is so much more than a diet for weight loss.
  • [33:20] Pregnant woman and carb cravings, what\\u2019s happening?
  • [37:03] Contraception and its side effects.
  • [47:00] Sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation.\\xa0
  • [48:50] Thyroid issues when on a ketogenic/low carbohydrate diet.
  • [54:04] Women and the myth of them becoming too \\u201cbulky\\u201d.
  • [1:00:05] How do you feed your children and teach them to eventually choose independently.
  • Go check out her website to learn more about her and the services she offers!


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