Part 43 - Dr. Dale Bredesen and the End of Alzheimers, How YOU Can Prevent it, and Hope for All Degenerative Diseases

Published: May 30, 2019, 7:01 a.m.


This is an interview I\\u2019ve been looking forward to for years. Dr. Dale Bredesen is shaking up the medical world by showing that Alzheimer\\u2019s actually can be prevented, treated, and sometimes even reversed. This is really important to me because my mom is the final stages of Alzherimer\\u2019s and I, of course, am doing everything I can to prevent myself from falling to the same fate.

I believe the Sapien way of eating and lifestyle is doing just that - setting me up for my best chances at my longest healthspan. You can learn more about this at

Dr. Bredesen and I agree on all the core principles. He really is describing a Sapien diet with his protocol. We\\u2019re only at odds with the ratio of plant foods to animal foods.

As I\\u2019ve posted today on social media, I think people are actually more on the side of animal foods than they think. In the context of a whole foods, low carb diet without refined grains, sugar or vegetable oil, more often than not people are getting the majority of their calories from animal foods without necessarily realizing it. Only people eating Standard American Diets or Mediterranean Diets and the like are getting most of their calories from plant foods from all the empty calories coming from grains and other carbohydrates.

Many health figures in this space say things like \\u201ca plant heavy diet\\u201d or \\u201cfill half your plate up with greens\\u201d and people take this as being akin to a vegetarian diet. As I showed in my post, a daily intake where about 70% of the plates are filled with plants are actually 92% animal foods by calories.

I actually eat this way a lot. This is carnivore adjacent and is part of the Sapien Framework. You\\u2019re still getting a ton of flavor, variety, and nutrients from plants (even though they\\u2019re not as bioavailable), but you\'re really getting 90% of your calories from animal foods. So make your own decision on the ratio of plant to animal foods, but from what I\\u2019ve found, higher animal foods is more species appropriate for homo sapiens, and is actually what most people avoiding empty calorie, nutrient poor foods are already doing.

As always, I didn\\u2019t want to press him on this. I don\\u2019t invite people on my podcast to tell them I don\\u2019t agree with their opinions. I\\u2019d love for this to be debated with a moderator at some point, but as long as it\\u2019s a 1 on 1 Peak Human podcast I\\u2019m letting the guest speak their minds.

Here\\u2019s a bit of Dr. Bredesen\\u2019s extensive resume. He received his undergraduate degree from Caltech and his medical degree from Duke. He served as Resident and Chief Resident in Neurology at UCSF, he was the Director of the Easton Center for Alzheimer\\u2019s Disease Research, he\\u2019s a Professor in the Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology at UCLA School of Medicine, and the Founder of the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.

The Bredesen Laboratory studies basic mechanisms underlying the neurodegenerative process, and the translation of this knowledge into effective therapeutics for Alzheimer\\u2019s disease and other neurodegenerative conditions, leading to the publication of over 220 research papers. He and his group developed a new approach to the treatment of Alzheimer\\u2019s disease, and this approach led to the discovery of subtypes of the disease, followed by the first description of reversal of symptoms in patients with MCI and Alzheimer\\u2019s disease, with the ReCODE protocol, published in 2014, 2016, and 2018. His book, The End of Alzheimer\\u2019s, is a New York Times Bestseller and has been translated into 29 languages. \\xa0

I\\u2019ll largely skip the plugs for today. Everyone listening knows about the Food Lies film on Indiegogo, the Patreon at and my new grass fed meat company If you find any value in this podcast or my other content on YouTube or social media channels, please consider supporting me and my projects there. I wish I could really get across how much it means to me. It\\u2019s honestly the only way any of this is possible. Thanks so much, and I\\u2019ll most likely end season 3 with this episode and come back in a couple \\xa0weeks with an amazing season 4. Here\\u2019s the future legend, Dr. Dale Bredesen.


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  • Dr. Bredesen has been studying the phenomenon of Alzheimer\\u2019s Disease (AD) for 3 decades and have published over 200 papers on his research
  • Understanding the fundamental nature of the disease is how we can design an effective treatment
  • His protocol is different because it targets the root cause, not the symptoms like most AD drugs do
  • Humans are extremely complicated and there is no one single therapy that will treat the complexity of AD
  • AD is the result of the brain protecting itself from different insults
  • The protective response in the brain causes the brain to shrink and \\u201cretreat\\u201d so that there is less for foreign substances (insults) to target
  • Amyloids are antimicrobial, bind to toxins, and change the brain\\u2019s response to glucose but when they are overproduced and build up that\\u2019s when problems occur
  • Some of the contributors to AD are: chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, glycation damage, toxin exposure, decrease in nutrients, hormones, trophic factors, poor vascular support
  • He has identified and categorized 6 different types of AD: inflammatory, atrophic, glycotoxic, toxic, vascular, and traumatic
  • Paraffin candles produce toxins that damage the brain
  • Most damaging mycotoxins (produced from mold) are the ones you breathe - test your home for molds
  • Go to to learn how to test your home for mold and if you are concerned about mold exposure to learn about what to personally get tested
  • For overall markers you should get tested, you can order tests directly from Dr. Bredesen\\u2019s site or go to your doctor and test markers
  • Markers for glycotoxicity: fasted insulin, HbA1c, and fasted glucose
  • Markers for nutrients, hormones, and trophic factors: o \\xa0\\xa0Vit. D, pragnenolone, progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, free T3 and free T4 (for thyroid), TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), and reverse T3 (which is an inhibitor of the effect of your active thyroid hormone)
  • Inflammation markers: HS-CRP, TNF-a, IL6, IL8, IL1-b
  • Don\\u2019t wait until it\\u2019s too late to check for these things, because AD is preventable
  • Glycotoxicity and how sugar is toxic
  • Humans are not designed to eat sugar
  • Overconsumption of sugar is linked to hypertension, CVD, diabetes, dementia, arthritic, leaky gut, and more
  • Sugar is this generation\\u2019s smoking, we will get to a day when we think back to how crazy it was that we were eating this stuff
  • We have biomarkers that will tell you whether AD is creeping up on you, so check early in life because you might not feel sick now, but that doesn\\u2019t mean it\\u2019s not on its way
  • All these lifestyle and diet changes that you make to prevent AD, apply to so many other modern illnesses
  • If AD runs in your family, you should be interested in prevention
  • AD should be a rare disease
  • APOE4 is the most common genetic risk factor
  • If you have a single copy of APOE4 the risk is ~30%
  • If you have a double copy of APOE4 the risk becomes greater than 50%
  • For people with APOE4, find out early and get on prevention, and you will have a low chance of getting the disease
  • 21st century medicine is about root cause and prevention
  • There is no mono-therapy for AD
  • Look out for symptoms of early cognitive decline like the lack of ability to learn new things, losing organizational skills, not being able to do simple calculations, not being able to find the right word, getting lost in familiar places
  • Don\\u2019t shake these off as \\u201csenior moments\\u201d
  • Basic things everyone can do: optimize insulin sensitivity, follow a low-carb, moderate protein, high (good) fat diet, exercise, get enough sleep, reduce stressors in your life, detox, avoid or fix any gut issues, go into periods of ketosis
  • His diet plan is called \\u201cKetoFlex 12/3\\u201d
  • \\u201cKeto\\u201d for going into periods of ketosis
  • \\u201cFlex\\u201d because it is flexitarian, if you want to be a vegetarian or eat meat you can do either
  • \\u201c12\\u201d because he wants people fasting for at least 12 hours between dinner and the next day\\u2019s first meal
  • \\u201c3\\u201d because he wants people to finish eating at least 3 hours before they go to sleep
  • The Big Four to avoid: grains, simple carbs, dairy, and lectins
  • He has had amazing success with his patients and has been publishing results since 2014
  • He has never had someone at risk come in for prevention and develop even mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
  • People who come in with subjected cognitive impairment (SCI) see improvement
  • People who come in with MCI the majority improve
  • People with full-blown AD, some people improve and some people don\\u2019t
  • He has had people score zero on cognitive tests that have improved
  • The most important point of all of this is that if you get put on a drug for AD you might get a little bump but you fall back to declining again, his approach targets what is actually causing the decline, the people who get better sustain their improvement
  • Complexity gap between the complexity of the problem (human illness) and the data sets that traditional medical doctors are using to treat them (aka we can\\u2019t expect a simple mono-therapy to treat a complex condition)
  • Dr. Bredesen\\u2019s daughter is a brain health coach and you can find her at
  • His protocol includes sauna for riding the body of toxins
  • We are swimming in an Alzheimer\\u2019s soup with the amount of toxins we are exposed to in our modern world
  • Get rid of toxins by sweating (sauna and exercise), high fiber diet, optimizing glutathione levels, filtered water, urination, each one of these gets rid of different things
  • If you have leaky gut, fix that
  • The importance of sleep
  • Current research on macular degeneration
  • His new book coming out \\u201cThe First Survivors of Alzheimer\\u2019s Disease\\u201d will be about people\\u2019s first-hand stories of people told they had no hope but used his protocol and got better and have kept themselves better
  • The future of medicine will need to look at how humans were evolutionarily designed to live
  • You are not powerless to AD, you have control over it
  • We can reduce the global burden of dementia, we can fight cognitive decline
  • Find Dr. Dale Bredesen at
  • His Facebook page



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