Part 201 - Brad Kearns on Finding the Holy Grail of Diet & Lifestyle

Published: Aug. 31, 2023, 3:02 p.m.


Brad Kearns, 58, is a New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record setting professional Speedgolfer, #1 USA-ranked Masters age 55-59 track & field high jumper in 2020, and former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete.

He has written twenty books on diet, health, peak performance, and ancestral living, and is a popular speaker, retreat host, and face of the Primal Blueprint online multimedia educational courses. In 2017, The Keto Reset Diet became a New York Times bestseller, and briefly ranked as the #1 overall bestselling book on Brad also hosts the B.rad podcast




  • (09:56) We know what\\u2019s possible. Now let\\u2019s shoot for optimal.

  • (21:22) Processed foods disrupt our appetite and satiety hormones, prompting us to overeat.

  • (33:02) Injuries are a sign of overdoing it.

  • (40:56) Homo sapiens are built for near-constant everyday movement.

  • (47:38) Always ask \\u201cwhat\\u2019s optimal\\u201d instead of just \\u201cwhat\\u2019s possible\\u201d.

  • (59:54) Raw forms of high-toxin natural plant foods is a potentially problematic category of nutrition.

  • (1:08:26) Our main nutritional challenge is energy toxicity.

