naked soul reflection - trusting now

Published: Aug. 15, 2016, 1 p.m.

In this episode of Naked Soul Reflections we practice trusting the now.

As I've been reading the book by Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now," I realized that I invest a lot of time obsessing over shame and guilt from my past as well as fight/flight about things that I think I will happen in the future. Rarely am I ever just here, present, mostly because I do not trust the present.

In this episode, I recommend clothes free meditation as a way to practice letting go of all of that and just being with the present, being with the now.

This week, think on whether you, like me, spend time obsessing over shame/guilt from things past or fight/flight regarding things you think will happen in the future. Then, give yourself an opportunity to simply be, to trust the present enough to let go of obsessive thoughts over the past and the future.