naked soul reflection - pausing

Published: July 25, 2016, 1 p.m.

This past week, I found myself having to pause in my life. I took a few days off from work and spent time doing nothing so that I could heal mentally and emotionally. There were many events over the past 8 years that I hadn't allowed myself to acknowledge or fully process. That all came to a head this week, and the stress forced me to take time being still. Although I'm still practicing pause and non-doing, one thing I can say is that pause is helping me release some emotions I didn't even know where there deep down.
Some questions as you practice pause this week:

- Where in your life could pause serve you?
- Are you trying to fill the space with something?
- In what ways can you take time to be still this week?
- What happens when you take time to pause? What do you notice?