Everything You Need to Know About Pre Boarding with Diabetes

Published: July 22, 2021, 3:45 p.m.

Traveling can be stressful enough let alone traveling WITH diabetes! tbh I've gotten some blow back about pre-boarding a flight early because of diabetes because even though diabetes is defined as a "disability" we're technically ABLE to do anything. I used to feel weird about using diabetes to pre board a flight early because I felt it was taking away from those who actually are unable and need the extra assistance AND after my luggage being lost and being stuck in a foreign country for much longer than planned I now have a different outlook on the whole pre boarding thing because we SHOULD have the right to have our medication with us at all times (and all of our back up diabetes supplies) JIC! Also, if you didn't know that diabetes is defined as a disability now ya know (weird saying it out loud I know). In this episode I share everything you need to know if you've ever thought you might like to use diabetes to pre board your flight early. It's actually pretty easy!

Lastly - I did not mention on this episode, but because we have diabetes we also have the ability to request our flying companion to sit next to us on the flight should we need any assistance (which in most cases we wouldn't but if your flight is full and you don't have your seats selected ahead of time and you want to sit with whomever you're traveling with than you can totally make it happen!) Thx beetus! lol.


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