E38. NO-vember, JUST SAY NO

Published: Nov. 18, 2021, noon


Holiday season is upon us. WOW. 2021 is almost gone. Poof. done.

November is a month of gratitude and giving. We gather with our family in gratitude and count our blessings. Meanwhile we are exhausted. Drained. Pressured. Overwhelmed. Secretly wishing for the day to be Over. Done. Finished.

\\xa0Well for this holiday season I want you to STOP GIVING and start TAKING.\\xa0

Taking care of your wants

Taking care of your needs

Taking care of your feelings

Taking care of your body\\xa0

Taking care of YOU\\xa0

Listen to find out how to do the NO-vemeber challenge and start taking care of yourSELF\\xa0



