Episode 089 day 15 Harness Your Inner Momentum Challenge

Published: July 15, 2021, 5 a.m.

No matter how busy life gets around us, we each have the power to harness our own inner momentum and the luminous potential of our own minds.

Each day during the month of July, you're invited to take 5 minutes  to turn your attention inward and practice a meditation technique to harness your own inner momentum.

Some come on in. Every day this month on the Messy Luminous Being Podcast you'll get a spark of inspiration, learn how to build a bridge between the hectic momentum of our outer life and a connection with our inner life. And then take a few minutes to drop doing and thinking and connect with your own awareness of the present moment. 

This is a meditation practice anyone can do. (And it works for everyone!) Standing. Eyes open. Practice while you're on a walk. Or in your kitchen having coffee. Or during your break at work.

Over the days, the effects of these few minutes each day will start to stack. And within a week you'll start to notice some really wonderful effects on how you feel. Your inner momentum will start to slow and be less affected by the hectic speed and stress of outer life. This is true empowerment!

Harness YOUR Inner Momentum. Let's do this together. 

For a more in-depth video of the practice this month plus lots of Luminous inspiration that weaves into messy real life, sign up for the newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/sarahbhunt/messyluminousbeing


xx Sarah