Yin Yang Yoga for HSP and Emotions | Heart Protector and Triple Warmer Meridians

Published: July 6, 2019, 4:39 p.m.

Yin Yang Yoga Highly sensitive people feel more and more deeply this includes emotions. When HSP walk into a room they can be aware of the mood, the friendships, the enemies and the personalities of the people working there. HSP are deeply affected by other people's moods and emotions which makes them empathic. The heart protector meridian and triple warmer meridians run along the inside and outside of your arms respectively both of these meridians help to protect you and your emotional landscape in relationship. If this ability to sense the emotional landscape has become overwhelming I would say it can be extraordinarily helpful to nurture the strength and integrity of your chi. When your chi is strong you will be calm and focused, you will be resilient and able to flow with all of life. It is not a problem to be able to feel deeply, to feel your emotions and to be empathetic, to be open with compassion to the emotions of others when your chi is strong. If your chi is weak and lacks integrity, this can be exhausting and overwhelming. Every breath you take can support you. Each inhalation you take in can draw in yin energy, nurturing and nourishing every cell of your body with oxygen. Every exhalation you let out can allow you to release toxins, tension, strong energy, aggression and strong emotions that do not belong to you.