The Future of our Yoga with Melissa YouTube Channel

Published: July 4, 2019, 6:08 p.m.

The Future This video is about the direction and vision of the Yoga with Melissa channel as we move into our 10 year anniversary on YouTube as well as the specifics for July 2019. Don’t worry I’m still going to teach you yin yoga, restorative yoga, yin yang yoga and yoga nidra and sleep yoga. I am still going to teach yoga that you can do and yoga that is meaningful to your whole being, not just physical exercise, but something that is going to touch your mind, your emotional body, your energy body and your spiritual being. I will be finishing the Yoga for Highly Sensitive People Series with a Yin Yang Yoga for the Heart Protector and Tripple Warmer Meridians. I know you have all loved that series, but I feel for now it is complete. Of course, because this is video, you can go back and to any of those classes at any time and I encourage you to do that. September of 2019 marks my ten year anniversary on YouTube. As I approach the ten year anniversary of Yoga with Melissa on YouTube I have taken some time to pause and reflect on where I have been and where I am going. I have always had a vision to teach real yoga for real people. That is yoga that people can do. Yoga that is meaningful beyond the exhibitionist shapes that might make a good Instagram photo. I want us to be healthy physically so that we are also whole mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. I want to continue to do that for decades to come. A lot of things about the way yoga is presented on YouTube and through social channels from Facebook to Instagram has greatly disheartened me in the last decade. To me, yoga is a deeply personal and interpersonal practice that cares for the human spirit, the planet and the well-being and happiness of all beings. The way yoga often gets performed to build one’s own sense of pride and vanity discourages me. In addition the content-treadmill of YouTube that bullies content creators into keeping up or being left behind has also left me exhausted and burned out. I say this to let you know that some things will be changing on Yoga with Melissa over the next few months as we enter our second decade on YouTube. We will be doing less and we will be doing more. Let’s start with the less. I am going to be taking planned time off. You may have noticed that I have taken a couple weeks off over the last month. Some of that was planned and some of that was not. The unplanned time was because of exhaustion that leads to illness. The planned time was because I believe no human being can keep going inexhaustibly and should not have to. So, I will be taking at least two weeks off in the summer, in the autumn at thanksgiving, in the winter at Christmas and in the spring. There will be no pre-recorded content, it will just be time off with no videos. Tim and I are a solo partnership. Together we do all of the content planning, filming, editing, marketing and social media to keep this channel going. It is a lot of work for two people. Taking time off, is how I envision our relationship being sustainable in the next decade. This will give us time to recharge our batteries and be better human beings and also give us time to simply be as a married couple. Now for the more. I am deeply committed to offering you meaningful yoga for your whole being: physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. I am going to be adding a second short video to this channel each week focused on breath or pranayama. My intention with these videos is to move through various breath practices in a deep and focused way so that it is not just information but a practice that we can engage in together here. We will focus on breath for sleep, breath for healing, breath for digestion, and breath for anxiety. However, we will do this in a focused way. We will start with one breath technique and explore it thoroughly and in its entirety over a period of time. As for our Friday one hour yoga videos,