Self Myofascial Release for Hip Flexors | Hatha Yoga Full Class | Yoga with Melissa 485

Published: May 3, 2019, 4:36 p.m.

Release for Hip Flexors In this 60 minute hatha yoga class with self myofascial release for your hip flexors you are going to learn about the amazing sensory world of fascia and mechanoreceptors, specifically: pacinian mechanorecptors. This hatha yoga class for hip flexors will combine the long holds of hatha yoga with self myofascial release to increase length, reduce tension and improve the strength and integrity of your hip flexor muscles. This class is fantastic for people who spend a lot of time sitting as well as athletes such as runners who tend to have tight hip flexor muscles. I have chosen some well known yoga poses for the hip flexors from lunge pose to warrior one, plus some hatha yoga poses that you may not normally think of when it comes to releasing that posas muscle such as reverse plank and bridge pose. Join me for this full length, full body hatha yoga class with the latest research on self myofascial release and the best of self myofascial release techniques for your hip flexors. Your fascia is not just a kind of connective tissue that acts as a scaffolding to hold your body together. It is an exquisitely sensitive system that responds to your every movement, emotion, and thought you have throughout the day. Fascia is one of the largest and richest sensory organs of your human body. The active sensory fibers of the fascial system are called mechanoreceptors. In other words, connective tissue does far more than connect us altogether, it is an intelligent lining that can feel itself and knows where it is in space. Mechanoreceptors are distributed throughout your tissues like antennae which are sensitive to and monitor your movement. In essence they say: Hey! Where am I in relation to everything else? Mechanoreceptors are sensors of different types of sensitivity within the fascial network. They are situated in your tissues, mostly at the joints, along the fascia at the bones and between the layers of fascia. These mechanoreceptors can detect the most subtle shifts in motion and changes in terrain. They sense, communicate and respond to variations in temperature, tension and torsion (which is a fancy word for twisting). There are different types of mechanoreceptors in the layers and joints through the tissues with a variety of sensitivities to a variety of subtle movements or forces on or through the structure. When we do self-myofascial release like we are doing in this hatha yoga class for the hip flexors we are affecting the pacinian mechanoreceptors. These are responsive to the pressure and movement of local proprioceptive attention. So in summary, in this class on self-myofascial release of the hip flexors we will focus on the sensory nature of the fascial tissues, both in terms of how we perceive our inner and outer worlds and our sense of inner and outer self. If you would like a PDF of MY favourite props and how to use them in a 10 week series of videos not available anywhere else on the web, go to and put in your email address the box. Our members will be enjoying an entire month dedicated to self myofascial release in our membership community with our myofascial release classes and programs. Link for members: Click Here Link to Become a Member: Click Here