Relieve Frozen Shoulder Pain & Exhaustion | 60 min Restorative Yoga at the Wall YwM 547

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 7:33 p.m.

Relieve Frozen Shoulder Pain One thing about having a frozen shoulder this time around is the constant pain. It has meant that lying down on the ground is less accessible and legs up the wall is mostly out of the question. Or is it? What I have learned from having frozen shoulder for second time is that the way I recovered the last time is not necessarily the way I am going to be able to recover this time. If any of you have frozen shoulder or have had frozen shoulder you will know that sleeping is difficult and over time that leads to exhaustion. As yogis, our go-to pose for exhaustion is legs up the wall. This time, with a frozen shoulder, lying on the ground is painful. What I share in this class, is what if restorative yoga doesn’t have to look like it always did? What if we gently move our shoulders in these inverted “up the wall poses” to keep our shoulders happy? The result is a restorative yoga class at the wall to relieve frozen shoulder pain and exhaustion. If you would like my best 7 days of yin, restorative and short yoga videos for your upper back, neck and shoulders click here: