Intro to Yoga for Highly Sensitive People Series | Yin Yoga Spleen Meridian Full Class | YwM 486

Published: May 10, 2019, 2:05 p.m.

Yoga for Highly Sensitive People Over the next several weeks I have planned a series of yoga classes for the highly sensitive person to support them in overwhelm, emotions, empathy, exhaustion, and sensitivity. Today we will begin our yoga journey for the highly sensitive person with the exhaustion that comes from the way that highly sensitive people think. HSP is rooted in our physiology, it is a real thing. The 20 % of the population found in 100 species besides humans including monkeys, fruit flies, and pumpkin seed sunfish have different genes. 10/78 dopamine genes are specific to those who are highly sensitive out of the hundreds of genes that govern personality. This particular class is a yin yoga class which focuses on the spleen meridian. Stimulating the spleen meridian line supports the highly sensitive people (hsp) because the spleen meridian out of balanced will dwell on or focus too much on a topic, overthinking, which leads to fatigue. This is basically the HSP experience. Processing everything so deeply that it leads to fatigue. This yin yoga class for the spleen meridian will ease the overthinking mind and restore energy. Join me for the fascinating clinical research and psychological studies, including MRIs that explain the experience of highly sensitive people along with yin yoga poses to support their everyday experience. 7 days of yoga to relieve anxiety: Click Here Elaine Aron Ph.D. Clinical Researcher and Psychologist of the Highly Sensitive Person : Click Here for more info on Elaine