Hatha Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude | Yoga Sutra 2.30 Ahimsa | YWM 675

Published: Nov. 22, 2023, 4:34 p.m.

b'Hatha Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude | Yoga Sutra 2.30 Ahimsa | YWM 675\\nOrder my Book \\U0001f64f\\U0001f449https://melissawest.com/book/\\n\\U0001f495Join Our Membership Community \\U0001f495http://bit.ly/ywmmembership\\n\\nThis full body hatha yoga class is focused on cultivating gratitude through the practice of ahimsa as outlined in Yoga Sutra 2.30 translated by Nischala Joy Devi in The Secret Power of Yoga.\\n\\nIn this 60 minute full body hatha yoga class for yoga, we delve into gratitude through the lens of reverence, love and compassion for all beings. We explore the depths of our True Nature as we embrace the principle of Ahimsa. This allows us to embrace a sense of interconnection with all living beings.\\n\\nThrough this full body hatha yoga class we uncover our innate capacity for reverence that resides within each one of us allowing us to connect with the spiritual vitality present in every living being.\\n\\nThe yoga postures in this class focus on heart opening to heighten your sensitivity to the spirit that flows through all life forms. Together, we will rediscover the beauty of the present moment and reawaken our natural state of reverence.\\n\\n2.30 Yama, reflection of our true nature is experienced through:\\nAhimsa: reverence, love, compassion for all\\n2.35 Embracing reverence and love for all (ahimsa) we experience oneness\\n\\nHatha Yoga to Cultivate Gratitude | Yoga Sutra 2.30 Ahimsa Sequence\\n\\nSupported Fish Pose\\nBridge\\nReclined Twist\\nSide Bend\\nCobra\\nHalf Bow\\nCat Pose\\nGate Pose\\nDowndog\\nTadasana\\nDancer\\nWide Legged Standing Forward Fold\\nSeated Twist\\nSupported Fish Pose\\n\\nPoem: Lost by David Wagoner\\n\\nProps Needed: Bolster'