Hatha Yoga for Focus and Productivity | Yoga with Melissa 507| Attention Economy Series

Published: Nov. 15, 2019, 5:03 p.m.

Hatha Yoga for Focus In the attention economy we are competing for our own attention because many markets and social media platforms are skilled at capturing our attention, sometimes for upwards of two hours a day. Of course we all want autonomy, mastery and purpose in our lives. Research is conclusive now that the more time we spend on social media, the more we experience anxiety, depression, social isolation, narcissism and the more we lose the ability to self-regulate. In other words, we lose the ability to focus and be productive. The cost of spending more time on social media is a disconnection from our higher aspirations and intentions. This leads to emotional and mental fragility as we have more and more information to process with no way to filter it and less time in the day to reflect on the information that we are taking in. The intent of technology is to consume your time and monetize your attention. Yet, there is a misalignment between our distraction on the time we spend on social media and our deeper purpose in life. Social media platforms to undermine our aspirations so we have to redirect our focus to match our intentions. Whatever we would like to achieve, the attention merchants generally do not have the same goals. We must act individually and collectively to make our attention our own again. When we connect with our own mission and vision, we can cultivate a more coherent, authentic and whole experience of our being.