Strong Emotions

Published: June 14, 2021, 6 p.m.

Inspired by Shinzen Young.

I call it the SOS. 

We too often have gotten into the habit/pattern of avoiding or blocking emotion when it surfaces demanding our attention. We run to the fridge for food as a distraction, pick up the phone or a magazine or worse a glass of alcohol or drugs- anything to numb ourselves from facing the squirming discomfit in our guts and throughout the body of difficult emotion. 

My lightbulb moment through Shinzen Young's teachings is that resistance also lie in us 'enquiring' and 'trying' to figure out the reasons behind our emotions, something that I do so often that the only way to dissolve and move on is to simply be with whatever is. This has been one of the deepest guide so far in helping me deal with strong emotions. 

If you like it, it's worth saving on your emergency list.