State of Wonder

Published: April 19, 2021, 6 p.m.

My husband and I have a daughter. Her name is Elise. She's nearing 3 now and has the ability to speak and communicate. Back when she was a baby, I'd take her to a lot of places and enthusiastically tell her what we were looking at. 'Look! A bird!' or 'Can you see the plane in the sky?' and most of the time she would give me this 'clueless' look and was trying hard to identify things. Sometimes she shakes her head too not knowing what's a cloud nor where is the clown at the funfair.

I was actually intrigue by her expressions. Observing her seeing things for the first time. First time breathing air, first time looking, and slowly identifying words to the physical world. And then as she grow older, the dawn of labelling begins. We start identifying general things like flower, insect and dogs. Soon it goes into another level of detail as to what colour a flower is, what type of insect and which dog has longer nose.

As we grow up we become more and more associated with more and more information and the next level of detail, and with the internet and technology becoming more convenient, all of these information can be access at the tip of our fingers. Which also can get overwhelming, wishing that things could go back where things are simple and less.

Well, here's our chance.

Let's come to a place of wonder. Remember those times when you were a kid and have experienced something new? Like riding a bike for the first time or visiting the funfair the first time? Okay this isn't as exciting but I bet you might be able to find it refreshing within a state of wonder. Let's wonder.