Season 3 done, here comes Season 4....with background music!

Published: Oct. 4, 2021, 5 p.m.


Season 3 done! How was it? Did you like the stories? Were there any that striked out? Do share it please with me.


Once again, hi my name is Gjin, and the aim of having this podcast is to share any of my knowledge and experience to you about meditation. A brief background about myself a full time working mother with 2 children with one having special needs, a group fitness instructor teaching Les mills BODYBALANCE and BODYPUMP, qualified NZ PT (Which I have yet to practised) and credited meditation facilitator. Oh, and one lousy entrepreneur who probably can't handle owning a business just because there is so many things against my values. But hey we need money to survive to a certain extent as ironic as it sounds\\u2026


Again we recap, Season 1 is all about finding some basics just like finding an easy exercise to come into to expand this arena of being mindful. Season 2 draws a little deeper to being with feelings or emotions that linger in me for the past few years. Season 3 was about story telling, perhaps on a lighter note that you can listen to it as a daily activity.


Season 4 - Dealing with emotions. This time with some music background (I'll have to figure out how to turn the background music on without jeopardising the mic! Take note, this is a fusion of season 1 and 2 as we blend and continue to bring out the essence in meditation.
