Season 2 done! Onwards to Season 3...

Published: July 18, 2021, 5:10 a.m.


2 seasons done! And if you've just joined my podcast, welcome again to my podcast. It is a place where I share little tools and tips to finding a calm place for just minutes every week. A bit of background of myself I have started to leap deep into the meditation journey when I lost my job almost a year ago and have been spending just a few minutes in bed pausing in the moment. And it has somehow helped me go through my very own journey of coping with the past trauma and the bouts of depression by guiding me to find myself spiritually.


Just like any form of exercise of the muscle, I am thoroughly enjoying building this one as it expands not just the concentration, but also sensory clarity and equanimity (big word I know but if you were to compare with relaxation of the muscles, this is literally relaxing the soul)


The beginning of every journey will always be something exciting, scary and new but as I come to place, where I made it a habit, there will be times when there is the struggle to focus, the mind or sleepiness takes over so I find ways to focus by pulling up tools or themes that guide me through.


Season 1 is all about finding some basics, just like finding an easy exercise to come into to expand this arena of being mindful. Season 2 draws a little deeper to being with feelings or emotions that linger in me for the past few years. These episodes I find I tend to go back to a lot and turn to subconscious habits which helped me work through acceptance, being kind and feeling whole to myself, so feel free to play those when you need to too.


So in season 3, I would want to share stories that bring deeper meaning and value. They are only a few minutes not to take up your time and you can access to it anywhere and at any time when listening. For some, this may feel relaxing, like a bedtime story, so do let me know if it works! These stories may also suit your children, so feel free to play it to them too. 



Here we go. One story. Every week. In just minutes.
