277_What Real Support Sounds Like

Published: Oct. 24, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'This extended, 30-minute episode dispels two common mental health misconceptions: 1) That there\'s really no point in "reaching out" because no on e cares or understands. And 2) That was have to have The Perfect Thing to Say when offering support to someone who\'s really hurting. \\xa0

When Rosaleen, a Giving Voice to Depression community member (on Facebook) let us know that she was in a very dark place, we asked the group for support, and they showed up in beautiful and healing ways.\\xa0

You see, Rosaleen was hearing and believing depression\'s lies. She was thinking she was\\xa0 worthless and that no one cared if she lived or died.\\xa0 She was in bed, feeling that familiar but hard-to-explain blend of deep hurt and numbness.\\xa0 It was her wish that she\'d fall asleep and not wake.\\xa0

Instead, when she did wake, it was to an outpouring of love , understanding and support from People Who Get It.\\xa0 People who have also been in depression\'s grip and pit. And through simple but profound comments, they countered depression\'s\\xa0 messaging and convinced Rosaleen that she does matter and that she is not alone.

Cohosts Dr. Anita Sanz and Terry read through and discuss those comments, in the hopes they\'ll reach and sooth any deep, hurting parts in you.'